Prohibits the CDC & WHO from having jurisdiction to implement rules, regulations or laws requiring vaccination in MI

State: MI
Bill Number: HB 4859
Position: SUPPORT
Action Required: Contact House Committee on Health Policy Members, your Representative & Senator, ask to SUPPORT
Status: Introduced, referred to House Committee on Health Policy on 6/27/2023

Legislation Details:

HB 4859 was introduced and referred to the House Committee on Health Policy on 6/27/2023. This bill is sponsored by Representative Luke Meerman

HB 4859 prohibits the CDC and WHO from having jurisdiction to implement rules, regulations or laws requiring vaccination in Michigan. 

(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization do not have jurisdiction in this state. A requirement, mandate, recommendation, instruction, or guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the World Health Organization has no force or effect and must not be used in this state to justify a mask, vaccine, or medical testing requirement. 

Upon passage, this bill takes effect December 31st, 2024. 

NVIC SUPPORTS HB 4859 because it prohibits the CDC and WHO from having jurisdiction to implement rules, regulations or laws requiring vaccination in Michigan. NVIC is opposed to all vaccination mandates. The World Health Organization is an unelected health agency and should not have the jurisdiction to influence public health policy decisions in the US. The CDC has a repeated history of untrustworthy behavior and a lack of transparency

Public health messaging during the COVID-19 pandemic was only considered credible if it originated from government health authorities, including the CDC, the World Health Organization, pharmaceutical companies, as well as scientists who parroted their lines with little critical thinking, or as we were told, "Trust the Authorities, Trust the Experts, and Trust the Science." (Caceres, 2023) 

Although the public is typically thought to be the source of the problem of false information, during the COVID-19 pandemic governments, businesses, supranational organizations, even academic institutions and scientific journals have contributed to a false narrative (Caceres, 2023). 

Caceres, M. (2023, January 16). How Can We Trust Institutions That Lied?. The Vaccine Reaction. 

For more information on The WHO's International Health Regulations, please read and share the 4/11/2024 commentary by Barbara Loe Fisher at

After contacting your local legislators about actions to be taken in your legislature, you can take additional steps on the state and national level. Please refer to the instructions in the Action Alert and share the link with family and friends by email, text, or on social media: – text, status and history of HB 4859