List of actions, bills, and announcements for all states

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Action Needed Now

The following table lists the active action alerts for all states.

Bills to Watch

The following table lists the active bills of interest for selected state(s).

State Bill Number Date Position Title Status
AL HB 2 2025-02-05 SUPPORT Prohibits an unemancipated minor from consenting to vaccination without the written consent of a parent or legal guardian, with exceptions Status: Eligible for House floor vote as of 2/5/2025

Action: Contact your Representative & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
AL HB 28 2024-08-19 SUPPORT Adds coroners and death examiners to the first responder category who get COVID-19 death benefits regardless of vaccination status Status: Prefiled for 2025, Referred to the House Ways and Means General Fund Committee on 8/19/2024

Action: Contact House Ways & Means General Fund Committee Members, your Representative, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
AR SB 6 2025-02-11 SUPPORT Establishes a criminal offense of vaccine harm for pharmaceutical company executive officers Status: Scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee on 2/12/2025 at 10AM in Room 171 of the State Capitol

Action: Contact Senate Judiciary Committee Members, your Senator, and Representative, ask them to SUPPORT
AZ HB 2063 2025-02-10 SUPPORT Requires any communication from a school to a parent or guardian about vaccine requirements to include information about exemptions Status: Eligible for a House floor vote as of 2/10/2025

Action: Contact your Representative & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
AZ HB 2058 2025-02-05 SUPPORT Adds personal belief vaccine exemption in the form of a signed statement for students 18 & older Status: Scheduled for a hearing in the House Education Committee on 2/11/2025 at 2PM or upon recess or adjournment of House floor in HHR 1

Action: Contact House Education Committee Members, your Representative, and Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
CO HB 1027 2025-02-07 OPPOSE Expands from 14 to 30 days for student to submit vaccine cert./exemption or be suspended; removes school suspension reporting req.; dissolves GEEECR Status: Passed full House, as amended, by a vote of 42 Ayes, 20 Nays on 2/7/2025

Action: Contact your Senator, ask them to OPPOSE
FL SB 196 2025-01-24 SUPPORT Requires any food with vaccine material to be labeled "contains vaccine or vaccine material" or be deemed misbranded in violation of Food Safety Act Status: Referred to Senate Regulated Industries Committee (RI) on 1/24/2025

Action: Contact Senate Regulated Industries Committee Members, your Senator, and Representative and ask them to SUPPORT
FL HB 149 2025-01-22 SUPPORT Requires AHCA to expedite health care claims to treat severe vaccine injuries; requires public disclosure of adverse events & treatments Status: Referred to the House Health Care Facilities & Systems Subcommittee on 1/22/2025

Action: Contact House Health Care Facilities & Systems Subcommittee Members, your Representative, and Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
HI HB 1118/SB 1437 2025-02-05 OPPOSE Removes religious exemption for school vaccine mandates Status: HB 1118 scheduled for hearing in the HLT Comm on 2/7/2025 at 8:45 AM in H. Conf. Rm 329 via videoconference|SB 1437 referred to EDU/HHS on 1/27/2025

Action: Contact House Health Committee Members, your Representative, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE
IA HF 104/SF 120 2025-02-10 SUPPORT Removes vaccination from existing law that allows minors to consent to medical treatment regarding the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases Status: HF 104 sched. House Health & Human Services Comm hearing on 2/11/25 @9AM| SF 120 rec for passage in Senate Health & Human Services Subcomm on 2/6/25

Action: Contact House and Senate Health & Human Services Committee Members, your Representative, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
IA SF 128 2025-02-05 SUPPORT Requires medical examiners include last vaccines administered on death certificates for children ages zero to three Status: Reported with recommendation for passage by Senate Health and Human Services Subcommittee of Senators Guth, Donahue, & Salmon on 2/5/2025

Action: Contact Senate Health and Human Services Committee Members, your Senator, & Representative, ask them to SUPPORT
IA HF 34/SF 6 2025-02-04 SUPPORT Requires schools, child care centers, institutions, & colleges to provide exemption info with any communications regarding vaccine mandates Status: HF 34 sched. hearing House Health & Human Services Comm on 2/6/25 @1PM|SF 6 recommended for passage by Senate Health & Human Services Subcomm 1/22/25

Action: Contact House & Senate Health and Human Services Committee Members, your Representative, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
KY HB 140 2025-02-04 SUPPORT Requires blood banks test for & label spike protein, antibodies, & synthetic mRNA; requires mRNA vaccine status disclosure; prohibits vaccine tracking Status: Referred to the House Health Services Committee on 2/4/2025

Action: Contact House Health Services Committee Members, your Representative, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
ME LD 113 (HP 78) 2025-02-04 SUPPORT Requires food labels to disclose mRNA vaccine material in food for sale derived from aquaculture, livestock, or poultry; has enforcement provision Status: Scheduled for a hearing in the Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Joint Committee on 2/6/2025 at 9:00 AM in the Cross Bld. Room 214

Action: Contact the Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Joint Committee Members, your Representative, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
ND HB 1519 2025-02-04 SUPPORT Requires DHHS to compile & maintain death & vaccine records for each type of vaccine given over last 2 years, includes posting report on website Status: Scheduled for a hearing in the House Human Services Committee on 2/4/2025 at 9:00 AM in the Pioneer Room

Action: Contact House Human Services Committee Members, your Representative, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
NH SB 75 2025-02-05 OPPOSE Expands access to the vaccine registry NHIIS to allow health plan providers to access individuals' vaccination information in the registry Status: Reported with recommendation of inexpedient to legislate by the Senate Health and Human Services Committee by a vote 4-1 on 2/5/2025

Action: Contact your Senator and Representative and ask them to OPPOSE
NH SB 72 2025-01-30 SUPPORT Establishes parental right to exempt a child from vaccine requirements for medical or religious reasons, part of larger parental rights bill Status: Scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Children and Family Law Committee on 2/3/2025 at 10:00 AM in the SH Room Reps Hall

Action: Contact Senate Children and Family Law Committee Members, your Senator, & Representative, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ A1899/S1981 2025-02-03 OPPOSE Authorizes pharmacy personnel to administer flu & COVID-19 vaccines to children 5 yrs or older w/out prescription, & all vaccines to individuals 18+ Status: A1899 was ENACTED; signed by Governor Phil Murphy & became effective on 2/3/2025; Chapter No. 17

Action: NONE
NJ A920/S354 2024-12-12 OPPOSE Allows Optometrists to administer COVID, Influenza, and Varicella-zoster virus vaccines to adults, requires vaccine tracking to state registry Status: A920 was amended in Assembly Regulated Professions Committee on 3/14/2024|S354 was amended in Senate Commerce Committee on12/12/2024

Action: Contact your Assemblymember & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE
NJ A1884/S3700 2024-09-23 OPPOSE Restricts medical free speech of health care professionals by creating new offense deemed professional misconduct for spreading "mis/disinformation" Status: A1884 ref. to Ass. Reg. Prof. Comm. on 9/23/2024 | S3700 ref. to Sen. Health, Hum. Svcs, & Sen. Cit. Comm.

Action: Contact your Assemblymember & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE A1884/S3700
NJ A4582 2024-06-13 OPPOSE Requires DOH to provide incentives for nursing home to vaccinate at least 90 percent of their residents Status: Referred to the Assembly Aging & Human Services Committee on 6/13/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Aging & Human Services Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE
NJ A4453 2024-06-03 SUPPORT Prohibits state or political subdivision of the state from enforcing/implementing any policy, rule, or regulation by an international organization Status: Referred to the Assembly Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations Committee on 6/3/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ A4109 2024-04-04 OPPOSE Permits paramedics to administer vaccines during outbreaks of communicable diseases Status: Referred to the Assembly Regulated Professions Committee on 4/4/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Regulated Professions Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE
NJ A3827/S1359 2024-02-22 SUPPORT Prohibits institutions of higher education from requiring students to receive COVID-19 vaccination Status: A3827 referred to Assembly Higher Education Committee on 2/22/2024 | S1359 referred to Senate Higher Education Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Higher Education Committee Members, Senate Higher Education Committee Members, your Representative, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ A3835/S454 2024-02-22 WATCH Prohibits COVID-19 vaccine mandates and entities requesting or requiring disclosure of COVID-19 vaccination status, creates cause of action Status: Referred to Asm. Community Devel. and Women's Affairs Comm. on 2/22/2024 |Referred to Senate Health Human Svs. & Senior Citizens Comm. on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Asm. Community Devel. & Women's Affairs Comm. Memb., Sen. Hlth. Hum. Svs. & Sen. Cit. Comm. Memb., your Asblymn, & your Sen. with concerns
NJ A3375 2024-02-01 WATCH Prohibits pregnant women from being required to provide proof of COVID vaccination, prohibits discrimination Status: Referred to Assembly Community Development and Women's Affairs Committee on 2/1/2024

Action: Contact the Assembly Community Development and Women's Affairs Committee Members, your Assemblyman, & your Senator, with your concerns
NJ A3392/S962 2024-02-01 SUPPORT Prohibits Commissioner of Health and State entities from requiring COVID Vaccines for public primary & secondary school students Status: A3392 referred to the Assembly Health Comm on 2/1/2024 | S962 referred to the Senate Health, Human Services, & Senior Citizens Comm on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Health Comm Membrs, Senate Health, Human Services, & Senior Citizens Comm Membrs, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ A2252 2024-01-09 OPPOSE Establishes NJ COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach Commission to push COVID-19 vaccination with nine-million-dollar appropriation Status: Referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE
NJ S1956 2024-01-09 OPPOSE Requires all individuals be enrolled in the vaccine registry/tracking system when vaccinated, forced tracking during an outbreak Status: Referred to the Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember, ask them to OPPOSE
NJ A2606/S1831 2024-01-09 OPPOSE Requires metrics for assessing nursing home operation to include number of residents vaccinated against SARS CoV2 and annual influenza virus Status: A2606 referred to the Assembly Aging & Human Services Comm on 1/9/2024|S1831 referred to the Senate Health, Human Services & Sr Citzn Comm on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Assm Aging & Human Srvc Comm Membrs, Senate Health, Human Srvc, & Sr Citizens Comm Membrs, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask to OPPOSE
NJ AR 30 2024-01-09 SUPPORT Urges U.S. President and Congress to cease funding gain-of-function research Status: Referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ A1307 2024-01-09 SUPPORT Enacts the Informed Consent for Vaccination Act; requires vaccine administrators provide certain information and obtain signed consent Status: Referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ AR 29 2024-01-09 SUPPORT Urges the U.S. President to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO) Status: Referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ A624/S657 2024-01-09 WATCH Establishes the Children's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System Status: A624 referred to the Assembly Health Comm on 1/9/2024 | S657 referred to the Senate Health, Human Services, & Senior Citizens Comm on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator with your concerns
NJ A1852 2024-01-09 OPPOSE Requires all individuals be enrolled in the vaccine registry/tracking system when vaccinated Status: Referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact your Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE
NJ A1507/S1693 2024-01-09 WATCH Prohibits government & schools from mandating COVID Vaccines, health care worker mandates allowed with only current medical/religious exemptions Status: A1507 referred to Assembly Health Committee on 1/9/2024|S1693 referred to Senate Health, Human Services, & Senior Citizens Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, Senate Health, Human Services, & Senior Citizens Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator with your concerns
NJ A1812 2024-01-09 OPPOSE Eliminates religious belief exemptions in NJ for children in schools and childcare centers Status: Introduced and referred to Assembly Health Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask to OPPOSE
NJ A531 2024-01-09 SUPPORT Prohibits infringement of right of a parent to direct their child’s health care, requires school district to involve parents in right to exempt child Status: Referred to the Assembly Education Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact the Assembly Education Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & your Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ A1506 2024-01-09 SUPPORT Prohibits a government entity or school from requiring flu vaccines for persons 18 and under Status: Referred to Assembly Health Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ S1705 2024-01-09 SUPPORT Prohibits childhood school COVID-19 or HPV vaccine mandates or status inquiry by Commissioner, Governor, State or local government Status: Referred to the Senate Health, Human Services, & Senior Citizens Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Senate Health, Human Services, & Senior Citizens Committee Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ A625/S656 2024-01-09 SUPPORT Requires identification and review of deaths/near deaths happening after vaccination Status: A625 referred to Assem. Children, Families, & Food Security Comm| S656 referred to Senate Health, Human Services, & Senior Citizens Comm; on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Assem Child, Fam, & Food Sec Comm Members, Sen. Hlth, Human Serv, & Sen. Cit Comm Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ SCR52 2024-01-09 SUPPORT Urges Congress and President to prohibit private financial institutions from penalizing individuals for exercise of free speech Status: Referred to Senate Commerce Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Senate Commerce Committee, your Senator & Assemblymember, ask to SUPPORT
NJ A1864 2024-01-09 OPPOSE Requires public & private higher education institution students, staff, & others take COVID-19 vaccine, only religious & medical exemptions available Status: Referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact the Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblyman & your Senator, ask them to OPPOSE
NJ S887 2024-01-09 SUPPORT Prohibits reporting children's medical information, including immunization info to state vaccine registry, without written consent of parent/guardian Status: Referred to the Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Senate Health, Human Services, & Senior Citizens Committee Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ A1523 2024-01-09 SUPPORT Prohibits the automatic registration in New Jersey Immunization Information System & requires opt-in Status: Referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblyman, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ S384 2024-01-09 SUPPORT Makes state liable for vaccine injuries caused by vaccines mandated for child care, preschool, school or institutions of higher education Status: Referred to the Senate Health, Human Services, & Senior Citizens Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Senate Health, Human Services, & Senior Citizens Committee Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ S2112 2024-01-09 SUPPORT Prohibits teaching staff from inputting student or student’s family vaccine info into a 3rd-party app managed by entity engaged in partisan politics Status: Referred to the Senate Education Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Senate Education Committee Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ S678 2024-01-09 SUPPORT Requires certain care facilities to establish visitation policies which include not asking visitors to disclose their vaccination status Status: Referred to the Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ A1823 2024-01-09 OPPOSE Requires annual flu vaccine for public and private K-12 school students, preschools, child care centers, & institutions of higher education Status: Referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE
NJ S377 2024-01-09 SUPPORT Requires vaccine information be given to parents & patients before vaccination, prohibits providers from refusing care based on vaccination refusal Status: Referred to the Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ A780/S380 2024-01-09 WATCH Requires entities to accept confirmation of prior COVID-19 infection or protective immune response against COVID-19 when vaccination proof is required Status: A780 referred to Assembly Health Committee on 1/9/2024|S380 referred to Senate Health, Human Serv, and Sr Citizen Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Health Comm Members, Senate Health, Human Serv, and Senior Citizen Comm Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator with your concerns
NJ S2114 2024-01-09 SUPPORT Allows individuals fired or who voluntarily quit because of EO 283 to be eligible for unemployment Status: Referred to Senate Labor Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Senate Labor Committee Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ A710 2024-01-09 SUPPORT Prohibits the state or political subdivision from requiring a private business to confirm receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine for an individual to enter Status: Referred to the Assembly Commerce, Economic Development, and Agriculture Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Commerce, Economic Development, and Agriculture Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
NJ A1520 2024-01-09 WATCH Prohibits public institutions of higher education to require COVID-19/monkeypox vaccinations for students with no in-person presence on campus Status: Referred to the Assembly Higher Education Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Assembly Higher Education Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator with your concerns
NJ S379 2024-01-09 WATCH Establishes Children’s Vaccination Bill of Rights; protections for children including informed consent, disclosure for safety & injury compensation Status: Referred to the Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee on 1/9/2024

Action: Contact Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember with your concerns
NY A2078 2025-01-15 OPPOSE Requires college students to get Hepatitis B vaccines Status: Referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 1/15/2025

Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE
NY A1908 2025-01-14 SUPPORT Requires health care providers to give patients vaccine info 48 hours prior to immunization, includes ingredients, potential side effects & reporting Status: Referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 1/14/2025

Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
NY A2045 2025-01-14 WATCH Amends current law to allow school admission for children whose parent/guardian declines immunization, requires reporting to schools & Health Depts Status: Referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 1/14/2025

Action: Contact your Assemblymember & Senator with your concerns
NY S1570 2025-01-10 OPPOSE Allows health care practitioners to vaccinate minors 14 years and older without parental knowledge or consent Status: Referred to the Senate Health Committee on 1/10/2025

Action: Contact Senate Health Committee Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember, ask them to OPPOSE
NY A1153 2025-01-09 WATCH Requires use of a standard medical exemption form for school, which may require intrusive medical request, & includes NP and PA as those who can sign Status: Referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 1/9/2025

Action: Contact your Assemblymember & Senator with your concerns
NY A1336 2025-01-09 OPPOSE Requires immunization information systems to record data on the number of medical vaccine exemptions reported by each health care provider Status: Referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 1/9/2025

Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE
NY A1263 2025-01-09 OPPOSE Requires reporting number of school vaccine exemptions to Health Department & posting online Status: Referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 1/9/2025

Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE
NY A1407 2025-01-09 OPPOSE Allows pharmacists to administer influenza immunizations to children 9 years and older Status: Referred to the Assembly Higher Education Committee on 1/9/2025

Action: Contact Assembly Higher Education Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE
NY A1358/S266 2025-01-09 WATCH Restores religious belief exemptions for vaccines required for school, requires reporting of the parent by health care provider Status: A1358 was referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 1/9/2025 | S266 was referred to the Senate Health Committee on 1/8/2025

Action: Contact your Assemblymember and Senator with your concerns.
NY S686 2025-01-08 WATCH Requires school to accept standard medical exemption form that requires intrusive medical documentation to accompany it Status: Referred to the Senate Education Committee on 1/8/2025

Action: Contact your Senator & Assemblymember with your concerns
TX SB 754 2025-02-07 SUPPORT Prohibits a person from compelling/coercing an individual to obtain health care including vaccines, adds religious & expands med. exemptions for HCWs Status: Referred to the Senate State Affairs Committee on 2/7/2025

Action: Contact Senate State Affairs Committee, your Senator, & Representative, ask them to SUPPORT
TX SB 94 2025-02-03 SUPPORT Prohibits denial of admission to school, higher ed, or child care over vaccines if documentation is submitted showing an exemption has been requested Status: Referred to the Senate Health & Human Services Committee on 2/3/2025

Action: Contact Senate Health & Human Services Committee Members, your Senator, and Representative, ask them to SUPPORT
TX SB 269 2025-02-03 SUPPORT Requires physicians to report serious adverse events to VAERS for experimental, investigational, or EUA vaccines; establishes weak penalties Status: Referred to the Senate Health & Human Services Committee on 2/3/2025

Action: Contact Senate Health & Human Services Committee Members, your Senator, and Representative, ask them to SUPPORT
TX SB 460 2025-02-03 SUPPORT Prohibits UN from having jurisdiction in TX & gov’t from implementing or enforcing a WHO policy or guideline, with exceptions Status: Referred to the Senate State Affairs Committee on 2/3/2025

Action: Contact Senate State Affairs Committee Members, your Senator, and Representative, ask them to SUPPORT
TX HB 706/HB 1377/SB 129/SB 386 2025-02-03 SUPPORT Prohibits WHO, UN, & WEF from having jurisdiction in TX & prohibits gov’t from enforcing or implementing any law, rule, fee, tax, policy or mandate Status: HB 706 was prefiled on 11/12/2024; HB 1377 was prefiled on 11/18/2024; SB 129 & SB 386 were referred to Senate State Affairs Committee on 2/3/2025

Action: Contact Senate State Affairs Committee Members, your Representative, and Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
TX SB 398 2025-02-03 OPPOSE Removes prohibition on pharmacist delegating medication administration & authorizes pharmacist to delegate vaccine administration to a pharmacy tech Status: Referred to the Senate Health & Human Services Committee on 2/3/2025

Action: Contact Senate Health & Human Services Committee Members, your Senator, and Representative, ask them to OPPOSE
TX SB 118 2025-02-03 SUPPORT Repeals authority to exclude students with a conscientious/religious exemption from attending public school in times of emergency/epidemic Status: Referred to the Senate Education K-16 Committee on 2/3/2025

Action: Contact Senate Education K-16 Committee Members, your Senator, and Representative, ask them to SUPPORT
TX SB 254 2025-02-03 OPPOSE Permits a pharmacist to order vaccination & removes prohibition to delegate vaccination to a pharmacy technician, lowers ages to 3 & sometimes younger Status: Referred to the Senate Health & Human Services Committee on 2/3/2025

Action: Contact Senate Health & Human Services Committee Members, your Senator, and Representative, ask them to OPPOSE
TX SB 95 2025-02-03 SUPPORT Requires health care provider to obtain informed consent prior to vaccination of a child, creates civil liability for failure to comply Status: Referred to the Senate Health & Human Services Committee on 2/3/2025

Action: Contact Senate Health & Human Services Committee Members, your Senator, and Representative, ask them to SUPPORT
TX SB 96 2025-02-03 SUPPORT Requires vaccine informed consent, injuries reported, health exemption accepted, & prohibits gov’t sanctions on exemption providers; est. penalties Status: Referred to the Senate Health & Human Services Committee on 2/3/2025

Action: Contact Senate Health & Human Services Committee Members, your Senator, and Representative, ask them to SUPPORT
TX SB 91 2025-02-03 SUPPORT Establishes employer liability for vaccine injuries in employees arising from employer vaccine mandates unless vaccine exemptions are accepted Status: Referred to the Senate State Affairs Committee on 2/3/2025

Action: Contact Senate State Affairs Committee Members, your Senator, and Representative, ask them to SUPPORT
TX SB 117 2025-02-03 SUPPORT Removes the authority of health department to add additional vaccines to childhood vaccine mandate schedule, allows commissioner to only recommend Status: Referred to the Senate Health & Human Services Committee on 2/3/2025

Action: Contact Senate Health & Human Services Committee Members, your Senator, and Representative, ask them to SUPPORT
TX SB 119 2025-02-03 SUPPORT Prohibits the sale of a food or meat food product derived from livestock injected with an mRNA vaccine unless it is clearly and conspicuously labeled Status: Referred to the Senate Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee on 2/3/2025

Action: Contact Senate Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Members, your Senator, and Representative, ask them to SUPPORT
TX SJR 10 2025-02-03 SUPPORT Places constitutional amendment on the Nov. 4, 2025 ballot establishing the right to refuse medical treatment & prohibits interference w/ that right Status: Referred to the Senate Health & Human Services Committee on 2/3/2025

Action: Contact Senate Health & Human Services Committee Members, your Senator, and Representative, ask them to SUPPORT
TX HB 1468/SB 407 2025-02-03 SUPPORT Requires health care facility to include & accept exemptions for reasons of conscience including a religious belief in vaccine mandate policies Status: HB 1468 was prefiled for the 2025 session in the House on 11/25/2024 | SB 407 was referred to the Senate Health & Human Services Committee on 2/3/2025

Action: Contact Senate Health & Human Services Committee Members, your Representative, and Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
TX HB 1586 2024-12-11 SUPPORT Requires DSHS to post vaccine exemption form online in a downloadable & printable format, prohibits retention of personally identifiable information Status: Prefiled for the 2025 session in the House on 12/11/2024

Action: Contact your Representative and Senator and ask them to SUPPORT
TX HB 1356 2024-11-15 SUPPORT Prohibits a health care provider from denying or refusing health care based on an individual’s vaccination status, creates $50,000 civil penalty Status: Prefiled for the 2025 session in the House on 11/12/2024

Action: Contact your Representative and Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
TX HB 1304 2024-11-13 SUPPORT Requires labeling of certain products, including vaccines, that contain or are derived from aborted human fetal tissue Status: Prefiled for the 2025 session in the House on 11/13/2024

Action: Contact your Representative and Senator and ask them to SUPPORT
TX HJR 91 2024-11-13 SUPPORT Places constitutional amendment on the Nov. 4, 2025 ballot establishing the right to refuse vaccination for any action in Texas Status: Prefiled for the 2025 session in the House on 11/13/2024

Action: Contact your Representative & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
TX HB 1281 2024-11-13 SUPPORT Prohibits WHO, UN, & WEF from having jurisdiction in TX & prohibits gov’t from enforcing any rule, fee, tax, policy or mandate; complaint & AG relief Status: Prefiled for the 2025 session in the House on 11/13/2024

Action: Contact your Representative and Senator and ask them to SUPPORT
TX HB 962 2024-11-12 SUPPORT Requires health care providers to report potential vaccine injure to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Status: Prefiled for the 2025 session in the House on 11/12/2024

Action: Contact your Representative and Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
TX HB 724 2024-11-12 OPPOSE Allows child care facilities to provide notice on the percentage of children and employees who are vaccinated Status: Prefiled for the 2025 session in the House on 11/12/2024

Action: Contact your Representative and Senator and ask them to OPPOSE
TX HB 1082 2024-11-12 SUPPORT Requires DSHS to develop & post online blank vaccine exemption form, prohibits keeping personal info or requiring disclosure of info to obtain form Status: Prefiled for the 2025 session in the House on 11/12/2024

Action: Contact your Representative & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
TX HB 943 2024-11-12 SUPPORT Prohibits any person, including a health provider, from compelling or coercing an individual to receive a COVID-19 vaccine; req. informed consent Status: Prefiled for the 2025 session in the House on 11/12/2024

Action: Contact your Representative and Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
TX HB 383 2024-11-12 SUPPORT Expands prohibition on employer COVID-19 vaccine mandates, adverse actions, & complaints to apply to all persons Status: Prefiled in the House for the 2025 legislative session on 11/12/2024

Action: Contact your Representative & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
TX HB 730 2024-11-12 SUPPORT Requires DSHS to make vaccine exemption form available online & in schools; contains confidentiality & reporting requirements Status: Prefiled for the 2025 session in the House on 11/12/2024

Action: Contact your Representative and Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
TX HB 1134 2024-11-12 SUPPORT Prohibits the department from maintaining a record of the number of vaccine exemption affidavit forms sent out each year, disaggregated by zip code Status: Prefiled for the 2025 session in the House on 11/12/2024

Action: Contact your Representative and Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
VA HB 2189 2025-01-28 SUPPORT Provides religious exemption for vaccine mandate issued by Health Commissioner during epidemic Status: Failed to be reported in House Health Subcommittee by vote of 3 Yeas, 5 Nays on 1/29/2025

Action: Contact House Health Subcommittee Members, your House Delegate, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
VA HB 1786 2025-01-21 WATCH Removes vaccination & other requirements for religious child day centers & removes authorization for Superintendent on-site compliance inspections Status: Recommended to be laid on table in House Education K-12 Subcommittee by vote of 6 Yeas, 2 Nays on 1/21/2025

Action: Contact House Education Committee Members, your Representative, & Senator, with your concerns
WA HB 1531 2025-01-27 OPPOSE Requires state & local health officials to implement & promote vaccines; prohibits new or existing law/rule/policy to prohibit vaccine impl. & promo Status: Scheduled for a hearing in the House Health Care & Wellness Committee on 1/31/2025 at 8:00 AM in the House Hearing Room A, John L. O'Brien Building

Action: Contact House Health Care & Wellness Committee Members, your Representative, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE


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