Increases pharmacist authorization to order & administer FDA-approved/ authorized vaccines to persons 7 years of age or older, part of larger bill

State: MO
Bill Number: SB 45
Position: OPPOSE
Action Required: NONE
Status: ENACTED, signed by Governor Michael Parson on 7/7/2023, effective 7/7/2023

Legislation Details:

UPDATE: 7/7/2023 - SB 45 was signed by the Governor Michael Parson on 7/7/2023. Effective 7/7/2023. 

UPDATE: 5/30/2023 - SB 45 was delivered to Governor Mike Parson, for his signature. 

UPDATE: 5/12/2023 - The House accepted the Conference Committee Report on 5/12/2023. 

UPDATE: 5/5/2023 - The Conference Committee Report was passed by the Senate on 5/5/2023. 

UPDATE: 5/2/2023 - The House and Senate passed different versions of the bill and a Conference Committee was appointed to resolve the differences.

SB 45 was first read in the Senate on 1/4/2023. It is sponsored by Senator Elaine Gannon

SB 45 modifies several provisions relating to health care. When introduced in January, and through  much of the legislative process, vaccines were not part of this bill. However, in its final stages, it was amended to repeal the current law which authorizes pharmacists to administer specific vaccines which have written orders from physicians to authorizing pharmacists to ordering and administering certain FDA-approved or authorized vaccines to persons 7 years of age or older. 

Under this act, a licensed pharmacist may order and administer vaccines approved or authorized by the FDA to address a public health need, as authorized by the state or federal government, during a state or federally-declared public health emergency.

NVIC takes no position on other sections of the bill unrelated to vaccines. - text, status, and history of SB 45