Memorializes Congress to pass AMERICANS Act of 2023 to reinstate any service member removed from any branch of military for refusing COVID-19 vaccine

State: LA
Bill Number: SR 117
Position: SUPPORT
Action Required: NONE
Status: ENACTED, adopted by the Senate on 6/8/2023

Legislation Details:

UPDATE: 6/8/2023 -  SR 117 was enacted, it was adopted by the Senate on 6/8/2023. 

UPDATE: 6/6/2023 -  SR 117 passed the Senate and Governmental Affairs Committee on 6/6/2023 and is pending senate floor action. The hearing notice for the meeting is here. 

UPDATE:6/6/2023 -  SR 117 was recalled from the Senate Committee on Judiciary B and referred to the Senate and Governmental Affairs Committee on 6/6/2023.

UPDATE: 5/25/2023 -  SR 117 was referred to the Senate Committee on Judiciary B.

SR 117 was introduced on 5/24/2023 by Senator Stewart Cathey, Jr. The resolution memorializes the US Congress to pass Senate Bill 29, the AMERICANS Act of 2023 to reinstate any service member removed from any branch of the military for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine. The bill in question is on the federal level, so this resolution is written to help pass the federal legislation.

NVIC does not support vaccine mandates and supports this federal bill, sponsored by Senator Ted Cruz, which would reinstate military service members who were removed from service for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine. - text, status and history of SR 117