Authorizes duties for regulated occupations including pharmacy technicians to give certain vaccines to adults and some children

State: VT
Bill Number: H.305
Position: OPPOSE
Action Required: NONE
Status: ENACTED, Governor Phil Scott's veto overridden by House and Senate on 6/20/2023, effective date 6/20/2023

Legislation Details:

UPDATE: 6/20/2023 - H.305 was ENACTED. The veto of H.305 by Governor Scott was overridden on 6/18/2023 by an Assembly vote of 109 Yeas, 38 Nays and Senate vote of 23 Yeas, and 7 Nays. It became immediately effective.

UPDATE: 6/1/2023 - H.305 was vetoed by Governor Phil Scott on 6/1/2023. His veto statement is here

UPDATE: 5/26/2023 - H.305 was delivered to the Governor on 5/26/2023. Contact Governor Phil Scott at 802-828-3333, ask to VETO H.305.

UPDATE: 5/9/2023 - H.305 passed the House in concurrence with the changes made to the bill in the Senate on 5/9/2023.

UPDATE: 5/5/2023 - H.305 passed the Senate in concurrence with proposal of amendment on 5/5/2023.

UPDATE: 5/4/2023 - H.305 was amended in the Senate by Senator Hardy to authorize pharmacy technicians to administer vaccines for influenza, COVID-19, or combination vaccines of influenza and COVID-19 to children five years or older on 5/4/2023. When H.305 was introduced and passed the House, pharmacy technicians were authorized to give vaccinations only to patients 18 years or older. While NVIC was initially opposed to the filed version because it included pharmacy technicians giving vaccines to adults, we had not posted the bill. The 5/4/2023 amendment caused NVIC to post and more actively OPPOSE H.305. A fuller list of bill actions can be viewed here

UPDATE: 5/4/2023 - H.305 passed the Committee on Government Operations after the committee amended it, however, their amendment did not change the pharmacy technician portion of the original bill.

UPDATE: 4/18/2023 - H.305 passed the Senate Committee on Government Operations after being amended. The 4/18/2023 amendment did not change the pharmacy technician portion of the original bill.

UPDATE: 2/28/2023 - H.305 passed the  Full House on 2/28/2023 and was transferred to the Senate.

HB 305 was introduced on 2/22/2023 and read for the first time. It is sponsored by the House Government Operations and Military Affairs Committee. This bill was originally titled, "An act relating to professions and occupations regulated by the Office of Professional Regulation." Most of the bill is outside of NVIC's scope, but it does authorize pharmacy technicians to administer vaccines to patients 18 years or older. 

If the bill passes, its provisions will take effect immediately. - text, status, and history of H.305.