Requires hospitals to establish visitation policies that include prohibiting proof of vaccination among other things

State: LA
Bill Number: HB 291
Position: SUPPORT
Action Required: NONE
Status: ENACTED, Signed by Governor John Bel Edwards on 6/14/2023, effective date 8/1/2023. Act No. 367

Legislation Details:

UPDATE: 6/14/2023 - HB 291 was enacted. It was signed by Governor John Bel Edwards on 6/14/2023, effective date 8/1/2023. Act No. 367

UPDATE: 6/7/2023 - HB 291 was sent to the Governor John Bel Edwards for signature on 6/7/2023.

UPDATE: 6/6/2023 - The House passed the Senate amended HB 291 on 6/6/2023 by vote of 97 Yeas, 0 Nays. 

UPDATE: 6/4/2023 - HB 291 passed Senate 3rd Reading on 6/4/2023. It is scheduled for concurrence in the House for June 6, 2023 at 10 AM. 

UPDATE: 5/15/2023 - HB 291 passed to 3rd Reading and final passage in the Senate on 5/15/2023.

UPDATE: 5/11/2023 -  HB 291 was amended and passed by the Senate Committee on Health and Welfare on 5/10/2023. The adopted amendments primarily provide for physical contact (non-sexual) between patient and visitor, visits by clergy, and no vaccine requirement for visitors. The amendments do not change NVIC's position.

UPDATE: 5/4/2023 - HB 291 is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Committee on Health and Welfare on Wednesday, 5/10/2023 at 10:00 a.m in the John J. Hainkel, Jr. Room. The agenda is here. Written testimony may be submitted by email to sh&[email protected]. It must be received by the committee secretary at least four hours prior to the meeting to be included in the record for this committee meeting. 

UPDATE: 5/1/2023 -  HB 291 is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Health and Welfare Committee on Wednesday, 5/3/2023 at 11:00 am in the John J. Hainkel, Jr. Room. The agenda is here. Persons who do not feel comfortable giving testimony in person may submit a prepared statement in lieu of appearing before the committee. Statements may be emailed to sh&[email protected] and must be received by the committee secretary at least four hours prior to the meeting to be included in the record for this committee meeting.

UPDATE: 4/27/2023 -  HB 291 was referred to the Senate Health and Welfare Committee on 4/27/2023. 

UPDATE: 4/25/2023 -  HB 291 passed third reading in the House on 4/25/2023 by a vote of 100-0.  The House engrossed version of the bill can be read here.  

UPDATE: 4/24/2023 - HB 291 passed second reading on 4/24/2023 as amended.

UPDATE: 4/20/2023 - HB 291 was passed by the  House Committee on Health and Welfare with amendments by a vote of 15-0 on 4/20/2023. The amendments only make clarifying changes and don't affect our position.

HB 291 is scheduled for a hearing in the House Committee on Health and Welfare at 9:00 AM in Committee Room 5.  See agenda here.   This bill is sponsored by Representative Owen. 

This bill requires hospitals and other medical facilities to develop policies and procedures to allow in-person visitation for any of their residents, clients, or patients.  The policies must include, among other things:

(2) Safety-related policies and procedures may not be more stringent than those established for the facility's staff and may not require visitors to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization. text, status and history for HB 291