Prohibits an employer from requiring or requesting an employee's vaccination records as a condition of employment

State: AZ
Bill Number: HB 2303
Position: SUPPORT
Action Required: NONE
Status: Died, failed to be heard in House Commerce Committee before session recessed on 6/13/2023

Legislation Details:

UPDATE: 5/16/2023 - HB 2303 died. It failed to be heard in the House Commerce Committee before session recessed on 6/13/2023. 

UPDATE: 3/16/2023 - The hearing for HB 2303 on 2/14/2023 was cancelled.  The bill has not had any further activity. 

UPDATE: 2/11/2023 - HB 2303 is scheduled for a hearing in the House Commerce Committee on 2/14/2023 at 2:00 PM in Room HHR 3 or upon recess of the House.  Agenda  -  

Live video will be available here -

UPDATE: 2/7/2023 - HB 2303 was held in the House Commerce Committee with no vote taken on it on 2/7/2023.

UPDATE: 2/2/2023 - HB 2303 was scheduled for a hearing in the House Commerce Committee on 2/7/2023 at 2 pm in room HHR 3.  Agenda -

HB 2303 was introduced and referred to the House Commerce Committee on 1/19/2023. This bill is sponsored by House Member Cory McGarr.

HB 2303 is amending Title 23, Chapter 2, Article 1, Arizona revised statutes, by adding section 23-207 to read: Except as otherwise provided by federal law, an employer may not require or request an employee's vaccination records as a condition of employment. 

NVIC SUPPORTS HB 2303 because it prohibits an employer from requiring or requesting an employee's vaccination records as a condition of employment. NVIC is opposed to all vaccination mandates and discrimination based on vaccination status. Vaccines are pharmaceutical products that carry a risk of injury and death and vaccination records are private health information between an individual and their health care provider. Disclosing vaccination status should not be a condition for continued employment.