Indiana Advocacy

Welcome to the National Vaccine Information Center Indiana State Team page. This page, along with the email updates you will receive, will help keep you informed of what you can do in your state to help you protect and expand your rights to informed consent to vaccination.

Note: You must first register as a NVIC Team Member before you can view action alerts, legislation to watch, and announcements.

Action Needed Now

There are no active action alerts at this time, but please check back soon.

Bills to Watch

The following table lists the active bills of interest for all states.

State Bill Number Date Position Title Status
IN HB 1182 2024-03-12 WATCH Makes changes to controlled substance list; Expanded list of vaccines pharmacist authorized to administer to include all CDC/ACIP vaccines removed Status: ENACTED, Signed by Governor Eric J. Holcomb on 3/12/2024; Public Law 84; Effective Date 7/1/2024

Action: NONE
IN SB 192 2024-02-06 OPPOSE Allows pharmacists to administer any ACIP recommended vaccine to 11 year olds & up, removes age minimum of 50 years for pneumococcal vaccine Status: Died, failed to pass full Senate before deadline for Senate bills to full Senate on 2/6/2024

Action: NONE
IN HB 1071 2024-02-05 SUPPORT Establishes statewide medical, religious, & right of refusal vaccine exemptions, adds right of refusal exemptions to existing vaccine exemptions Status: Died, failed to be scheduled for a hearing in the House Public Health Comm before deadline for House bills to pass full House of 2/5/2024

Action: NONE
IN HB 1215 2024-02-05 OPPOSE Authorizes dental hygienists to vaccinate children 11 & older w/ vaccines on childhood schedule under certain conditions, requires registry reporting Status: Died, failed to be scheduled for hearing in House Public Health Committee before deadline for House Bills to pass full House on 2/5/2024

Action: NONE
IN HB 1072 2024-02-05 SUPPORT Prohibits vaccine mandates for health profession edu. students, prohibits religious objection inquiries, establishes cause of action for violations Status: Died, failed to be scheduled for hearing in House Education Committee before deadline for House bills to pass full House on 2/5/2024

Action: NONE
IN HB 1334 2024-02-05 WATCH Prohibits unemployment benefits disqualification over vax refusal, allows employer vax mandates w/ refusal rights and no coercion or adverse action Status: Died, failed to be scheduled for a hearing in House Employment, Labor, & Pensions Comm before deadline for House bill to pass full House of 2/5/2024

Action: NONE
IN HB 1335 2024-02-05 SUPPORT Establishes the Indiana Vaccination Adverse Event Reporting System Status: Died, failed to be scheduled for hearing in House Public Health Committee before deadline for House bills to pass full House on 2/5/2024

Action: NONE


There are no announcements available at this time, but please check back soon.