Requires Comr. of Health to include vaccines given in last 2 years on death cert., issue public report, conduct study, & initiate independent audit

State: MN
Bill Number: HF 5131/SF 5213
Position: SUPPORT
Action Required: Contact House Health Finance & Policy Committee, Senate Health & Human Services Committee, your Representative, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT
Status: HF 5131 referred to House Health Finance & Policy Committee on 3/21/2024 | SF 5213 referred to Senate Health & Human Services Committee on 3/25/2024

Legislation Details:

HF 5131 was introduced in the House and referred to the House Health Finance and Policy Committee on 3/21/2024. This bill is sponsored by Representative Shane Mekeland.

SF 5213 was introduced in the Senate and referred to the Senate Health and Human Services Committee on 3/25/2024. This bill is sponsored by Senator Andrew Matthews.

HF 5131 and SF 5213 require all death records since 1/1/2024 to include the previous two years of vaccine data on the adult death certificates and must include all vaccination records for minor death certificates. These bills also require the Commissioner of Health to issue public reports, conduct studies, and initiate independent audits.

HF 5131 and SF 5213 amends chapter 144, regarding vaccination data, to add a death records requirement and is summarized as follows:


Subdivision 1. Outlines the documentation that must be added to the death certificate, including the last two years of vaccine data for adults. For children under 18 years, the death certificate must include their entire vaccine record.

Subdivision 2. Requires the Commissioner of Health to produce reports, available to the public, on the total deaths that occurred within 24 hours, three days, one week, three weeks, ten weeks, 25 weeks, and one year of vaccines, including subtotals of the type of vaccine, gender, age group, race, ethnicity, and comorbidity type, if available. Another report that includes the same information shall be produced that analyzes the data for the preceding five years.

Subdivision 3. Requires the Commissioner of Health to issue a biennial cause of death and injury study to include (1) deaths involving cause of or contributing condition to death; (2) injuries involving anything that appears in a physician's notes for the patient; and (3) demographic data that includes race, age, gender, occupation, and other data as appropriate and that is not a violation of privacy.

Subdivision 4. Requires the Commissioner of Health to arrange for four public health audit reports biennially from a person or organization not affiliated or dependent on any funding from governmental entities, pharmaceutical industry, as well as a few additional restrictions. Data format and privacy agreements are covered.

Upon passage, HF 5131 and SF 5213 take effect the day following final enactment.

NVIC SUPPORTS HF 5131 and SF 5213 because it provides full transparency to the public and to family of the deceased by presenting all possible factors for the cause of death of their loved one. NVIC supports fully informed consent for every individual regarding the risks of vaccination which includes access to information that exposes those risks. Vaccines are pharmaceutical products that can carry risks of injury and even death. If a vaccine was a factor in a person's death, the public has a right to that information since the vaccine is a product that is (or will be) widely distributed. In July of 2023, a coroner linked a 14 year old's death to the child's first dose of Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 shot. This link was announced nearly two years after the young child died. This bill would provide expedience to this process and report vaccine-linked deaths on a biennial basis which provides timely and critical information to the public. - text, status, and history of SF 5213 - text, status, and history of HF 5131