Adds Rotavirus vaccine to those required for school & day care attendance & administered in a manner approved by department considering age of child

State: NY
Bill Number: S8430
Position: OPPOSE
Action Required: Contact Senate Health Committee Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember, ask them to OPPOSE
Status: Referred to Senate Health Committee on 1/29/2024

Legislation Details:

S8430 was introduced and referred to the Senate Health Committee on 1/29/2024. This bill is sponsored by Senator James Skoufis.

S8430 adds the Rotavirus vaccine to those required for school and day care attendance and authorizes the department to specify the manner in which the vaccine will be administered depending on the age of the child.

S8430 amends Section 2164 of Chapter 45, public health law, under Article 21, relating to the control of acute communicable diseases, and Title 6, Poliomyelitis and other diseases, summarized as follows:

SECTION 1. Adds Rotavirus to the list of vaccines that are required to attend school or a special education program.

SECTION 1. also amends §2164 (2) of existing code to prevent parents from being required to have administered the vaccines required in this section of law unless the child is the age specified to receive said vaccination in the manner approved by the department under conditions specified by the public health and planning council. 

Upon passage, S8430 will take effect on July 1st.

NVIC OPPOSES S8430 because no parent should be forced to vaccinate their child, regardless of that child's age, with a pharmaceutical product that carries the risk of injury or even death. NVIC is opposed to all vaccine mandates. This bill expands the vaccine mandates within existing law for children to attend school or daycare. This mandate negates the tenets of informed consent, including the right to refuse, and coerces a parent to choose to give their child a vaccine they may not want or need. In October of 2023, a 15-month-old girl died in Warwick, New York, after being injected with several of these required vaccines. Due to the expanding requirements and subsequent demand for Rotavirus vaccines, a lab announced in 2023 that they are in clinical trials of creating an mRNA-based viral spike protein nanoparticle Rotavirus vaccine.  Every individual or the individual's parent should be able to make their own fully informed decisions on vaccination without coercion or penalty. The preferred solution over this bill is to strike any New York law that requires vaccines and prohibit vaccine mandates altogether. Instead, these expansions are making the issue worse by adding more vaccines to the list and letting unelected bureaucrats agencies decide at what age and in what manner a child should receive certain vaccines. - status and history S8430 - bill text