Exempts a student who attends a home-based microschool or micro-education entity from immunization requirements as part of education bill

State: UT
Bill Number: SB 13
Position: SUPPORT
Action Required: NONE
Status: ENACTED, Signed by Governor Spencer J. Cox on 3/20/2024; Effective date 5/1/2024; Public Law Number 464

Legislation Details:

UPDATE: 3/20/2024 - ENACTED; SB 13 was signed by Governor Spencer J. Cox on 3 /20/2024. It will become effective on 5/1/2024; Public Law Number 464. 

UPDATE: 3/8/2024 - SB 13 was enrolled on 3/8/2024. 

UPDATE: 2/15/2024 - SB 13 passed the House 3rd reading by a vote of 63 Yeas, 6 Nays, 6 Absent or not voting, on 2/15/2024. 

UPDATE: 2/14/2024 - SB 13 was placed on the House 3rd reading calendar for Senate bills on 2/14/2024. 

UPDATE: 2/13/2024 - SB 13 passed the House Education Committee by vote of 10 Yeas, 0 Nays, 5 Absent, on 2/13/2024. 

UPDATE: 2/9/2024 - SB 13 was referred to the House Education Committee on 2/9/2024. 

UPDATE: 2/7/2024 - SB 13 passed the Senate 3rd reading by vote of 23 Yeas, 5 Nays, 1 Absent, on 2/7/2024. 

UPDATE: 2/6/2024 - SB 13 passed the Senate 2nd reading as substituted by vote of 21 Yeas, 6 Nays, 2 Absent, on 2/6/2024. The substitute replaces "home-based education entity" with "home-based microschool" throughout the bill.  A home-based microschool is defined to be an individual or association of individuals that registers as a business entity, and for compensation providesK-12 education to 16 or fewer students from a residence or residential property. This clarification does not change our position on the bill, but does necessitate a title change from "Exempts a student who attends a home-based or micro-education entity from immunization requirements as part of education bill" to "Exempts a student who attends a home-based microschool or micro-education entity from immunization requirements as part of education bill."

UPDATE: 1/22/2024 SB 13 was placed on the Senate 2nd Reading Calendar and is eligible for a floor vote as of 1/22/2024. 

UPDATE: 1/19/2024- SB 13 was reported favorably in the Senate Education Committee by a vote of 5 Yeas, 0 Nays, 4 Absent, on 1/19/2024. View the hearing video HERE. Timestamp [02:40]

UPDATE: 1/17/2024 - SB 13 is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Education Committee on 1/19/2024 at 2:00 PM in Senate Building Room 210. The agenda is HERE. Members of the public may participate in the meeting remotely by visiting the committee's webpage at le.utah.gov to access the live streaming options.

SB 13 was introduced 1/16/2024 and referred to the Senate Education Committee on 1/17/2024. It is sponsored by Senator Lincoln Fillmore.

SB 13 provides home-based education or micro-education students with certain similar duties, requirements, waivers, and rights as private and charter schools. One of these provisions would exempt these students from immunization requirements. 

NVIC SUPPORTS this provision as we are opposed to vaccine mandates, but we take no position on any other part of the bill unrelated to vaccines. 

https://le.utah.gov/~2024/bills/static/SB0013.html - text, status, and history of SB 13