Mandates flu vaccines for children in child care and school

State: NY
Bill Number: A1811/ S1945
Position: OPPOSE
Action Required: Contact members of the House and Senate Health Committees, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask to OPPOSE
Status: A1811 in Assembly Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024 | S1945 in Senate Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024

Legislation Details:

UPDATE: 6/6/2024 - A1811 failed to be scheduled for a vote in the Assembly Health Committee before the NY Legislature went into recess on 6/6/2024; however they could be called at any time before session ends on 1/2/2025.

UPDATE: 6/6/2024 - S762A failed to be scheduled for a vote in the Senate Health Committee before the NY Legislature went into recess on 6/6/2024; however they could be called at any time before session ends on 1/2/2025.

UPDATE: 1/3/2024 - A1811 carried over and was referred to Assembly Health Committee on 1/3/2024.

UPDATE: 1/3/2024 - S1945 carried over and was referred to the Senate Health Committee on 1/3/2024.

A1811 was introduced and referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 1/23/2023. This bill is sponsored by Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and cosponsored by Assemblymember Al Taylor.

S1945 was introduced and referred to the Senate Health Committee on 1/17/2023. This bill is sponsored by Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal and cosponsored by Senator Liz Krueger.

The bills would amend NY Public Health Law Chapter 401, Section 2164 by adding  flu vaccines to the current list of vaccines required for school in New York State and would require flu vaccines for children attending daycare by adding a new section:


§   2164.  Definitions;  immunization  against  poliomyelitis,  mumps, measles, diphtheria, rubella, varicella, Haemophilus influenzae  type  b (Hib),  pertussis, tetanus, pneumococcal disease, meningococcal disease,  influenza virus, and hepatitis B. 1. As used in this section, unless the context requires otherwise:

 a. The term "school" means and includes any public, private or parochial child caring center, day nursery, day care agency, nursery school, kindergarten, elementary, intermediate or secondary school.


d. Every person in parental relation to a child in this state entering or having entered a licensed and registered child daycare home, program or facility shall have administered to such child an  adequate  dose  or doses of immunizing agents against influenza virus as recommended by the advisory  committee on immunization practices of the centers for disease control and prevention, which meets the standards approved by the United States public health service for such biological products, and which  is approved  by the department under such conditions as may be specified by the public health and planning council.

If the bill passes, it shall take effect after one year.

New York eliminated the religious exemption for vaccines in 2019. 

Bills A2240/S45 were introduced in the 2021-2022 legislative session by the same sponsors to mandate the flu shot for day care children. The portal post is here: - text, status, and history of A1811 - text, status, and history of S1945