UPDATE: 9/27/2022 - SB 1302 vetoed by the Governor.
UPDATE: 9/9/2022 - SB 1302 was enrolled and presented to the Governor at 3:00 PM.
UPDATE: 8/30/2022 - SB 1302 passed the Assembly on third reading, and the Senate concurred with the Assembly amendments and the bill was sent to engrossing and enrolling. The final version provides grant money to school health centers for mental health services which is out of the scope of NVIC Advocacy. The section that would have allowed this additional grant money to go to immunizations was removed so the position was changed to watch.
UPDATE: 8/22/2022 - SB 1302 amended on third reading and ordered to third reading again. The bill is still outside of NVIC Advocacy's scope.
UPDATE: 8/16/2022 - SB 1302 ordered to third reading.
UPDATE: 8/15/2022 - SB 1302 read second time.
UPDATE: 8/11/2022 - SB 1302 passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee in a 12-0 vote on 8/11/2022. The bill was amended and the vaccine language was removed. Because of this change, NVIC Advocacy is moving to a "Watch" position on this bill.
UPDATE: 8/6/2022 - SB 1302 is scheduled for a hearing in the Assembly Appropriations Committee on 8/11/2022.
UPDATE: 8/3/2022 - SB 1302 was placed on the suspense file in the Assembly Appropriations Committee.
SB 1302 is scheduled for a hearing in the Assembly Appropriations Committee on 8/3/2022 at 9:00 AM. See agenda. This bill is sponsored by Senator Portantino and would provide one billion dollars from an unspecified fund to provide grants to establish or improve school-based health centers that provide medical and behavioral health services.
As introduced the services did not specifically include immunization services. The bill was amended on 6/30/2022 to change the definition of
(A) Emotional issues such as depression, anxiety, sexual identity, stress, self-esteem, and relationship problems
to read - (A) Physical examinations, immunizations, and other preventive medical services.
In addition, the bill states - A pupil wellness school-based health center grant may also be used for wellness coordinators, nurses, community health outreach workers, counselors, mental health therapists, and wellness therapy workers and interns who advance pupil health and wellness on campus.
NVIC Advocacy is not opposed to funding school-based health centers. NVIC Advocacy is opposed to the administration of vaccines in this setting. In addition, if SB 866 that allows minors 15 and older to consent to vaccination passes and becomes law, this grant money can and will be used to vaccinate minors without parental consent at school-based health centers.
https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220SB1302 - text, status and history for SB 1302