OPPOSE VT S199 and H527 Trying to Remove Philosophical Exemption
We don’t often send out a national alert on an issue that is currently affecting only one state, but this is one that we truly all need to join together across the country and help fight. Families in Vermont are facing an unprecedented attack on their rights to make informed independent vaccination choices by forced vaccination proponents in the Vermont Legislature. There are 2 bills filed that are attempting to remove the philosophical exemption to vaccination in Vermont. One bill has a hearing this Friday and legislators are predictably being grossly misled.
We need your help to contact every person and organization in Vermont that you can to alert them about these bills and ask them to please contact legislators there to oppose S199 and H527.
Below, we’ve posted the alert we sent to Vermont NVIC Advocacy Portal Members that you can forward to your Vermont contacts. It may be worthwhile for you to read the explanation of how the vaccination rates are being misrepresented because this is the same type of manipulation of numbers that was done in Washington State last session and this way you will be ready to counter misleading representations of vaccination rates in your own state.
If you have some time and want to help in another way, please do some online searches for media articles related to these bills in Vermont and go to the comment sections and help dispel the misinformation being put out by the forced vaccination groups. Thank you for your help.
Dear Vermont NVIC Advocacy Team Members,
Your rights to make informed independent vaccination choices for your family are under attack by forced vaccination proponents in the Vermont Legislature. We need your timely help to contact legislators to oppose these actions.
The Senate Health and Welfare committee is holding a public hearing this Friday February 3rd at 11:00 am on S199 which is attempting to remove the philosophical exemption to mandated vaccines in the state of Vermont. H527 is another bill filed to also try to remove the philosophical exemption, and it is awaiting a hearing in the House Committee on Health Care.
We are counting on the families and health care practitioners in Vermont who want to preserve the right of informed consent to vaccination which includes the legally protected right to delay or decline vaccines to work hard to help fight these two bills.
We are asking you to please take the following steps to fight these bills:
1) Contact members of the Senate Committee on Health and Welfare and ask them to oppose S199. Explain why this exemption is important to your family and why the state should offer it.
Senator Claire Ayer |
802-759-2748 |
Senator Kevin Mullin sponsor |
802-353-6770 |
Senator Anthony Pollina |
802-229-5809 or 802-223-6767 |
Senator Sally Fox |
802-860-6428 |
Senator Hinda Miller |
802-660-4889 |
2)Please consider attending the Senate Health and Welfare Committee hearing on S199 and offering short testimony against it this Friday, February 3rd at 11:00 am in the Senate Chamber.
3) Also contact your state senator and state representative and ask them to oppose S 199 and H527. If you log in to the NVIC Advocacy Portal at http://NVICAdvocacy.org and view this alert on the Vermont state page, we will automatically lookup who your legislators are and display them to the right of this alert. You can click on their names to open up their contact information. This free confidential service requires your registration and login in order for us to be able to calculate who you legislators are.
4) Send this to as many friends and family in Vermont that you can and ask them to please register for the NVIC Advocacy Portal so they can get added to this email list and receive updates how they can help fight this bill during this session.
5) Contact all the members of the House Committee on Health Care and ask them to Oppose H527. Although H527 has not been set for a hearing yet, your opposition needs to be communicated now. This could be scheduled any day now.
Rep. Michael Fisher |
(802) 453-5517 |
Rep. Sarah Copeland-Hanzas |
(802) 222-3536 |
Rep. Paul Poirier |
(802) 476-7870 |
Rep. Leigh Dakin |
(802) 875-3456 |
Rep. Jim Eckhardt |
(802) 342-0140 |
Rep. Patti Komline |
(802) 867-4232 |
Rep. Mary Morrissey |
(802) 442-2092 |
Rep. Christopher Pearson |
(802) 860-3933 |
Rep. Kristy Spengler |
(802) 864-6567 |
Rep. George Till sponsor |
(802) 899-2984 |
Rep. Mark Woodward |
(802) 635-7166 |
| |