NY |
A2186A/S2726A |
2024-07-24 |
Mandates certain vaccines on children's camp attendees and staff, with medical exemptions |
Status: A2186A was recommitted in Assembly Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024| S2726A amended in Senate Committee on Health on 7/24/2024Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee & Senate Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask to OPPOSE |
NY |
A2905 |
2024-07-15 |
Requires NY State Department of Health to approve children's medical vaccine exemptions issued by state licensed physicians |
Status: Died, enacting clause stricken on 7/15/2024; recessed on 6/6/2024Action: None at this time |
NY |
A10417A/S9351A |
2024-06-28 |
Requires school to accept standard medical exemption form that requires intrusive medical documentation to accompany it |
Status: A10417A amended in Assembly Education Committee on 6/28/2024 | S9351A amended in Senate Education Committee on 6/17/2024; recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact your Assemblymember & Senator with your concerns |
NY |
A2130 |
2024-06-06 |
Requires the state to establish a vaccine awareness campaign and work with a contractor to promote and maintain it |
Status: In Assembly Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE |
NY |
A4460/S5715 |
2024-06-06 |
Requires parent/guardian to be physically present when any immunization is administered to child under 18 yrs, exceptions for runaways, homeless, etc. |
Status: A4460 in Assembly Health Committee on 6/6/2024 | S5715 in Senate Health Committee on 6/6/2024; recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee, Assembly Health Committee, your Assembly Member, & Senator with your concerns |
NY |
A9196/S7466A |
2024-06-06 |
Requires reinstatement of any officer or employee of New York City or agency who was dismissed from employment due to refusal of the COVID-19 vaccine |
Status: A9196A in the Assembly Governmental Employees Comm | S7466B on Senate floor; recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Governmental Employees Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT |
NY |
A9251/S8545 |
2024-06-06 |
Expands pharmacy tech’s authority to vaccinate; removes in-person supervision, allows administration of all vaccines & in all places pharmacists can |
Status: A9251 in Assembly Higher Education Committee | S8545 in Senate Higher Education Committee; recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Higher Education Comm Members, Senate Higher Education Comm Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE |
NY |
A4108 |
2024-06-06 |
Prohibits COVID-19 vaccination, conditional on completion of Department of Health risk/benefit study |
Status: In Assembly Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee members, your Assemblymember, and Senator with concerns and suggested amendment |
NY |
S919 |
2024-06-06 |
Authorizes certain emergency medical technicians & paramedics to administer influenza and COVID-19 vaccines without patient-specific orders |
Status: In Senate Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Senate Health Committee Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember, ask them to OPPOSE |
NY |
A7154/S1531 |
2024-06-06 |
Requires vaccine tracking for immunizations given to adults 19+ with assumed consent unless person objects, current law requires consent for tracking |
Status: A7154 is scheduled for 3rd Reading in Assembly on Monday 1/8/2024 | S1531 in Senate Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Senate Health Committee Members, your Assembly Member, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE A7154/S1531 |
NY |
A837A/S1946A |
2024-06-06 |
Requires reporting number of school vaccine exemptions to Health Department & posting online |
Status: A837A on Assembly floor, recessed on 6/6/2024 | S1946A in Senate Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Senate Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE A837A/S1946A |
NY |
A9440/S8417 |
2024-06-06 |
Requires college students to get Hepatitis B vaccines |
Status: A9440 in Assembly Health Committee |S8417 in Senate Health Committee; recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee and Senate Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask to OPPOSE |
NY |
S8430 |
2024-06-06 |
Adds Rotavirus vaccine to those required for school & day care attendance & administered in a manner approved by department considering age of child |
Status: In Senate Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Senate Health Committee Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember, ask them to OPPOSE |
NY |
A3997/S1636 |
2024-06-06 |
Prohibits mandatory vaccination for COVID |
Status: A3997 was referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 1/3/2024| S1636 in Senate Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Members of Senate & Assembly Health Committees, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT S1636 / A3997 |
NY |
A8002 |
2024-06-06 |
Allows home schooled students to attend career education classes, even without meeting immunization requirements |
Status: In the Assembly Education Committee; recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Education Committee Members, your Assemblymember & Senator, ask to SUPPORT |
NY |
A6676/S118 |
2024-06-06 |
Restores religious belief exemptions for vaccines required for school, requires reporting of the parent by health care provider |
Status: A6676 in Assembly Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024 | S118 in Senate Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly and Senate Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator with concerns |
NY |
A276B/S762A |
2024-06-06 |
Allows minors to receive preventative treatment for STDs including vaccination without parental knowledge or consent |
Status: A276B in Assembly Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024 | S762A in Senate Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact your Assembly & Senate Health Committee Members, Assemblymember, and Senator, ask them to OPPOSE A276B / S762A |
NY |
S7749 |
2024-06-06 |
Permits a surrogate to make their own health & behavioral decisions incl. whether to get a COVID-19 or other vaccines, part of larger surrogacy bill |
Status: In Senate Judiciary Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact the Senate Judiciary Committee Members, your Senator, & your Assemblymember, ask them to SUPPORT |
NY |
A10303/S8519 |
2024-06-06 |
Authorizes nursing students to administer vaccines & requires registry reporting |
Status: A10303 in Assembly Higher Education Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024 | S8519 in Senate Higher Education Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly & Senate Higher Education Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE |
NY |
A2760/S3493 |
2024-06-06 |
Allows for employees who experienced termination due to refusing a coronavirus vaccine to be eligible for unemployment insurance |
Status: A2760 in Assembly Labor Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024 | S3493 in Senate Labor Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly & Senate Labor Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT |
NY |
A9802A/S9576 |
2024-06-06 |
Allows medical assistants to administer vaccines with some conditions |
Status: 9802A in Assembly Higher Edu Comm|S9576 in Senate Higher Edu Comm; recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Higher Education Committee Members, Senate Higher Education Committee Members, your Representative, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE |
NY |
A6041 |
2024-06-06 |
Amends current law to allow school admission for children whose parent/guardian declines immunization, requires reporting to schools & Health Depts |
Status: In Assembly Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT |
NY |
A6761/S8352 |
2024-06-06 |
Removes parental rights for medical/vaccination decisions, allows minors to choose w/o parental knowledge or consent, requires insurance coverage |
Status: A6761 in the Assembly Committee on Health on 6/6/2024; recessed on 6/6/2024 | S8352 died, enacting clause stricken on 5/10/2024Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members & your Assemblymember, ask them to OPPOSE |
NY |
A2189/S5199 |
2024-06-06 |
Prohibits discrimination against vaccinated persons; excludes unvaccinated from protections |
Status: A2189 in Assembly Government Operations Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024 | S5199 in Senate Government Operations Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Governmental Operations & Senate Investigations & Government Operations Committee Members, & your legislators, ask to OPPOSE |
NY |
A6451/S4316 |
2024-06-06 |
Establishes claim for strict liability against state for injuries caused by immunizations mandated by sate law, to be heard in court of claims |
Status: A6451 in Assembly Judiciary Committee on 6/6/2024 | S4316 in Senate Health Committee on 6/6/2024; recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Judiciary Committee Members, Senate Health Committee Members, your Senator, & Representative, ask to SUPPORT |
NY |
A6594/S4783 |
2024-06-06 |
Expands the vaccine tracking system to include diagnosis of asthma & inhaler prescriptions |
Status: A6594 in Assembly Committee on Health 6/6/2024 | S4783 in Senate Committee on Health on 6/6/2024; recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Senate and Assembly Health Committee Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember, ask them to OPPOSE |
NY |
A6619/S5051 |
2024-06-06 |
Prohibits mandatory immunization against the coronavirus for schools, travel, public building entry, employment, or receiving government services |
Status: A6619 in Assembly Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024 | S5051 in Senate Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024 Action: Contact Senate and Assembly Health Committee Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember, ask them to SUPPORT |
NY |
A6621/S1484 |
2024-06-06 |
Removes private and parochial schools and daycare centers from the immunization requirements currently in state law |
Status: A6621 in the Assembly Health Committee on 6/6/2024 | S1484 in the Senate Judiciary Committee on 6/6/2024; recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Senate Judiciary Committee & Assembly Health Members, your Senator and Assembly Member, ask to SUPPORT |
NY |
A1736/S3373 |
2024-06-06 |
Requires immunization information systems to record data on the number of medical vaccine exemptions reported by each health care provider |
Status: A1736 in Assembly Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024 |S3373 in the Senate Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly and Senate Committee on Health Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask to OPPOSE |
NY |
A9226/S5045 |
2024-06-06 |
Prohibits mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for minors, incapacitated persons, vaccine/immunity passports, requires distribution of vaccine information |
Status: A9226 in the Assembly Health Committee | S5045 in the Senate Health Committee; recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Health Comm Members, Senate Public Health Comm Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember, ask to SUPPORT |
NY |
A5027/S642 |
2024-06-06 |
Prohibits selling or transporting eggs from unvaccinated poultry with few exceptions for pasteurization or research, imposes criminal penalties |
Status: A5027 in Assembly Agriculture Committee on 6/6/2024| S642 in Senate Agriculture Committee on 6/6/2024; recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly and Senate Agriculture Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask to OPPOSE |
NY |
S6119 |
2024-06-06 |
Prohibits administrative agencies from requiring COVID-19 vaccine; codifies prohibition of COVID-19 vaccine mandates unless legislated |
Status: In Senate Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Senate Health Committee Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember, ask them to SUPPORT |
NY |
A2125/S8113 |
2024-06-06 |
Prohibits any organization or entity from permitting any vaccine exemption except medical, nullifies existing non-medical exemptions |
Status: A2125 in Assembly Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024 | S8113 in Senate Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly & Senate Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask to OPPOSE |
NY |
A6454 |
2024-06-06 |
Enacts vaccine bill of rights, prohibits mandatory COVID19 vaccination for work, education, requires informed consent, limits employer civil liability |
Status: In the Assembly Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT |
NY |
S6103 |
2024-06-06 |
Allows health care practitioners to vaccinate minors 14 years and older without parental knowledge or consent |
Status: In Senate Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Senate Health Committee Members, your Senator, and Assemblymember, ask them to OPPOSE |
NY |
A2143/S624 |
2024-06-06 |
Mandates COVID-19 vaccines for students attending colleges and universities in New York |
Status: A2143 died, enacting clause was stricken on 5/11/2023 |S624 in Senate Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024 Action: Contact Senate Health Committees Members & your Senator, ask to OPPOSE |
NY |
A8409/S1947 |
2024-06-06 |
Allows pharmacists to administer influenza immunizations to children 9 years and older |
Status: A8409 in Assembly Higher Education Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024| S1947 in Senate Higher Education Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Higher Education & Senate Higher Education Committee Members, your Senator, & Assemblymember, ask them to OPPOSE |
NY |
A4324 |
2024-06-06 |
Requires employees at children's overnight and summer camps to receive vaccines, religious exemptions for employees allowed |
Status: In Assembly Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assembly Member, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE |
NY |
A1811/ S1945 |
2024-06-06 |
Mandates flu vaccines for children in child care and school |
Status: A1811 in Assembly Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024 | S1945 in Senate Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact members of the House and Senate Health Committees, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask to OPPOSE |
NY |
S1264 |
2024-06-06 |
Prohibits a government entity from requiring individuals to receive a COVID-19 vaccine |
Status: In Senate Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Senate Health Committee Members, your Senator, & Representative, ask them to SUPPORT |
NY |
A1102/S7168 |
2024-06-06 |
Requires use of a standard medical exemption form for school & includes NP and PA as those who can sign |
Status: A1102 in Assembly Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024 | S7168 in Senate Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, Senate Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator with your concerns |
NY |
A7855/S7356 |
2024-06-06 |
Permits dentists to administer influenza & COVID vaccinations & vaccinations related to a declared public health emergency |
Status: A7855 in the Assembly Higher Ed Comm on 6/6/2024|S7356 passed full Senate on 5/28/24; in Assembly Higher Ed Comm on 6/6/2024; recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Higher Education Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask to OPPOSE |
NY |
A7857/S7355 |
2024-06-06 |
Permits dentists to administer vaccinations against human papillomavirus |
Status: A7857 in Assembly Higher Education Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024|S7355 is eligible for a Senate floor vote as of 5/8/2024Action: Contact Assembly Higher Education Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask to OPPOSE |
NY |
A4900 |
2024-06-06 |
Requires health care providers to give patients vaccine info 48 hours prior to immunization, includes ingredients, potential side effects & reporting |
Status: In Assembly Health Committee, recessed on 6/6/2024Action: Contact Assembly Health Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to SUPPORT |
NY |
A8281 |
2024-05-21 |
Requires non-citizens to get up to 16 vaccines, including COVID-19, & undergo health screenings for communicable diseases to receive state services |
Status: Held for consideration in Assembly Social Services Committee on 5/21/2024Action: Contact Assembly Social Services Committee Members, your Assemblymember, & Senator, ask them to OPPOSE |
NY |
J2317 |
2024-05-07 |
Establishes HIV Vaccine Awareness Day on May 18, 2024 |
Status: Adopted in the Senate on 5/7/2024Action: None at this time |
NY |
A2135 |
2023-07-24 |
Requires the commissioner of health to provide immunization information to all licensed health care practitioners who treat children |
Status: Died, Enacting clause was stricken on 7/24/2023Action: NONE |