UPDATE: 7/19/2024 - B25-545, Act Number A25-0479, Law Number L25-0191, is now in effect.
UPDATE: 6/7/2024 - B25-545, Act Number A25-0479, was published in the DC Register, Vol 71, Page 006698. It will become effective on 7/19/2024.
UPDATE: 6/5/2024 - B25-545 was transmitted to Congress with a projected law date of 7/26/2024.
UPDATE: 5/29/2024 - B25-545 was enacted, it was signed by Mayor Muriel Bowser on 5/29/2024. View the Signed Act HERE. Act Number A25-0479
UPDATE: 5/7/2024 - B25-545 was approved on the final reading by the DC Council by a vote of 12 Yes, 0 Noes 1 Absent, on 5/7/2024. View the Enrolled Version HERE.
B25-545, as enrolled, allows podiatrists, pharmacists, pharmacy techs, dentists, and dental hygienists, to vaccinate minors with or WITHOUT parental consent under certain circumstances. Current DC law, enacted from B24-0942 in 2023, dangerously allows a vaccine provider to vaccinate a minor if the vaccine provider reasonably attempts to obtain consent from the minor’s parent or legal guardian either in person, in writing, or by telephone, and there is no objection from the parent or legal guardian. Consent of the parent or legal guardian may be assumed if the vaccine provider cannot notify the parent or legal guardian after at least a reasonable attempt to notify has been made.
B25-545, as enrolled, expands the following practices to include immunizations, as summarized below:
1. Authorizes dental hygienists to administer vaccines under direct supervision when certified by the Board of Dentistry.
2. Authorizes pharmacists to order AND administer immunizations to adults and children in accordance with the CDC's recommended immunization schedules or regulations issued by the Mayor, with or WITHOUT parental consent under certain circumstances.
3. Authorizes pharmacy technicians to administer immunizations, under the direct supervision of a pharmacist, to adults and children in accordance with the CDC's recommended immunization schedules with or WITHOUT parental consent under certain circumstances.
4. Authorizes podiatrists to administer immunizations by expanding the practice of podiatry.
NVIC OPPOSES B25-545 because it puts the health and safety of those receiving vaccines at risk. Podiatrists, pharmacists, pharmacy techs, dentists, and dental hygienists, do not have enough training about all the vaccines, risks, prescreening, contraindications, emergency interventions for reactions, reporting reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, and advising parents and patients about the statute of limitations and instructions for filing a claim with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
Dentists, dental hygienists, pharmacists, and pharmacy techs do not have the medical training or knowledge of family and personal medical history to screen for contraindications. Additionally, dental practices and pharmacies are not equipped to deal with vaccine adverse reactions, and dentists, dental hygienists, pharmacists, and pharmacy techs do not have the necessary medical training to be able to tell the difference between cardiac arrest, anaphylaxis, or fainting and act accordingly to save the lives of individuals who react at the time of vaccination. This bill undermines the doctor-patient relationship and removes critical health history screenings prior to vaccination.
Vaccines, just like all pharmaceutical products, can cause injury and death. As of May 1, 2024, the United States Government has paid out more than $5 billion dollars to vaccine victims through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). As of 8/30/2024, 48,389 deaths and 2,624,640 adverse events were reported to the US government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. America’s biopharmaceutical research companies are developing 258 vaccines. The U.S. Vaccine Market alone was $36.45 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach $80.3 billion by 2029 and pharmacies stand to increase their profits substantially by allowing pharmacists to vaccinate customers. This conflict is compounded by the fact that no one who administers a vaccine will have liability for any injuries and deaths caused by the vaccines, as administrators are shielded from liability for vaccine injuries and deaths through the combination of the law passed by Congress in 1986 establishing the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and the 2011 Supreme Court Decision BRUESEWITZ ET AL. v. WYETH LLC, FKA WYETH, INC., ET AL.
NVIC does not take a position on the rest of the bill's provisions which are unrelated to vaccines.
UPDATE: 4/2/2024 - B25-545, as amended, was engrossed on the first reading by the DC Council by a vote of 13 Yes, 0 Noes, on 4/2/2024.
B25-545, as amended, authorizes podiatrists and dental hygienists to administer immunizations by expanding their respective practices, authorizes pharmacists to order AND administer immunizations to adults and children in accordance with the CDC's recommended immunization schedules or regulations issued by the Mayor with OR WITHOUT parental consent under certain circumstances, and authorizes pharmacy technicians to administer immunizations, under the direct supervision of a pharmacist, to adults and children in accordance with the CDC's recommended immunization schedules with or WITHOUT parental consent under certain circumstances.
The summary and description of each change contained in the amended version of B25-545 to existing law will be represented as such: Plain text indicates existing law, green underlined text indicates new language to existing law and the introduced version of B25-545, plain underlined text indicates new language to existing law that was contained in the introduced version of B25-545, red crossed out text indicates the removal of language from existing law and the introduced version of B25-545, and plain text crossed out text indicates the removal of language from existing law that was contained in the introduced version of B25-545.
B25-545, as amended, expands paragraph (4)(A) related to the practice of dental hygiene to authorize dental hygienists to administer vaccines under direct supervision when certified by the Board of Dentistry:
"(4)(A) “Practice of dental hygiene” means the performance of any of the following activities in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph (B) of this paragraph:
(viii) Administering vaccinations under the direct supervision of a
dentist licensed under this act when certified by the Board of Dentistry to do so;"
B25-545, as amended, expands D.C. Official Code § 3-1201.02(11) to authorize pharmacists to order AND administer immunizations to adults and children in accordance with the CDC's recommended immunization schedules or regulations issued by the Mayor with OR WITHOUT parental consent under certain circumstances:
"(11)(A) “Practice of pharmacy” means the interpretation and evaluation of prescription orders; the compounding, dispensing, and labeling of drugs, and devices, and biologicals; the compounding of drugs as authorized by federal and district law; including the prescribing and dispensing of self-administered hormonal contraceptives when certified by the Board of Pharmacy to do so and in accordance with regulations issued by the Mayor; drug and device selection; responsibility for advising and providing information, where regulated or otherwise necessary, concerning drugs, and devices, and biologicals and their therapeutic values, content, hazards, and uses in the treatment and prevention of disease; responsibility for conducting drug-regimen reviews; responsibility for the proper and safe storage and distribution of drugs, and devices, and biologicals; the administration of a prescribed drug, device, and biological in accordance with regulations issued by the Mayor; the order and administration of immunizations and vaccinations in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s published guidelines and recommended immunization schedules for adults aged 18 and older with valid identification, adolescents and children aged 3 through 17 with written informed parental consent or without consent if authorized by district law and the administration of immunizations and vaccinations to any individual pursuant to upon receipt of a written physician protocol and a valid prescription or standing order of a physician when certified by the Board of Pharmacy to do so; conducting health screenings, including ordering, performing, and interpreting Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments-waived tests; obtaining finger-stick blood samples; the offering or performance of those acts, services, operations, and transactions necessary in the conduct, operation, management, and control of a pharmacy; the initiating, modifying, or discontinuing a drug therapy in accordance with a duly executed collaborative practice agreement; and the maintenance of proper records; and a range of professional healthcare and clinical services as determined by the mayor through rulemaking, but including:
"(C) the Mayor shall establish regulations to ensure the safe and effective provision of the services listed under paragraph (A) of this section, including appropriate training requirements and protocols for collaboration with other healthcare professionals."
B25-545, as amended, expands D.C. Official Code § 3-1201.02(14) to include immunizations and vaccinations in the practice of podiatry:
“(14) “Practice of podiatry” means".....The term “practice of podiatry” includes the administration of local anesthesia, monitored anesthesia care, and conscious sedation as well as the administration of injections, immunizations, and vaccinations. A licensed podiatrist may administer local anesthesia, as well as injections, immunizations, and vaccinations."
B25-545, as amended, establishes new subsection (a-1) to D.C. Official Code § 3–1207.55 regarding Authorizes Services and amends Subsection (b-7) to authorize pharmacy technicians to administer immunizations, under the direct supervision of a pharmacist, to adults and children in accordance with the CDC's recommended immunization schedules with or WITHOUT parental consent under certain circumstances:
“(a-1) A registered pharmacy technician may administer immunizations and vaccinations in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s published guidelines and recommended immunization schedules for adults aged 18 and older with valid identification, adolescents and children aged 3 through 17 with written informed parental consent or without consent if authorized by District law, and the administration of immunizations and vaccinations to any individual pursuant to a valid prescription under the direct supervision of a pharmacist licensed under this act; provided, that the registered pharmacy technician complies with all requirements under the rules issued by the Mayor.”
"(b) ….. a registered pharmacy technician shall not provide the following services: (7) Vaccination or immunization administration;"
B25-545, as amended, necessitates a title change to NVIC's pill post from "Authorizes podiatrists to administer vaccines and pharmacists to order & administer vaccines on current CDC schedules to all age groups" to "Authorizes podiatrists, pharmacists & techs, dentists & hygienists to administer vaccines, without parental consent under certain conditions".
NVIC OPPOSES B25-545 because it puts the health and safety of those receiving vaccines at risk. Podiatrists, pharmacists, pharmacy techs, dentists, and dental hygienists, do not have enough training about all the vaccines, risks, prescreening, contraindications, emergency interventions for reactions, reporting reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, and advising parents and patients about the statute of limitations and instructions for filing a claim with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
Dentists, dental hygienists, pharmacists, and pharmacy techs do not have the medical training or knowledge of family and personal medical history to screen for contraindications. Additionally, dental practices and pharmacies are not equipped to deal with vaccine adverse reactions, and dentists, dental hygienists, pharmacists, and pharmacy techs do not have the necessary medical training to be able to tell the difference between cardiac arrest, anaphylaxis, or fainting and act accordingly to save the lives of individuals who react at the time of vaccination. This bill, as amended, further undermines the doctor-patient relationship and removes critical health history screenings prior to vaccination.
B25-545, as amended, allows podiatrists, pharmacists, pharmacy techs, dentists, and dental hygienists, to vaccinate minors with or WITHOUT parental consent under certain circumstances. Current DC law, enacted from B24-0942 in 2023, dangerously allows a vaccine provider to vaccinate a minor if the vaccine provider reasonably attempts to obtain consent from the minor’s parent or legal guardian either in person, in writing, or by telephone, and there is no objection from the parent or legal guardian. Consent of the parent or legal guardian may be assumed if the vaccine provider cannot notify the parent or legal guardian after at least a reasonable attempt to notify has been made.
NVIC does not take a position on the rest of the bill's provisions which are unrelated to vaccines.
UPDATE: 3/27/2024 - B25-545 was filed as amended in the Committee on Health on 3/27/2024. View the Committee Report HERE.
UPDATE: 3/21/2024 - B25-545 was reported with recommended amendments in the Committee on Health by a vote of 3 Yes, 0 Noes, on 3/21/2024. The Committee Report is not available as of yet. View the Hearing Video HERE.
UPDATE: 3/7/2024 - B25-545 is scheduled for a mark up meeting in the Committee on Health on Thursday, 3/21/2024 at 3:00PM in Room 123 and Virtual via Zoom. View the agenda and video information HERE.
UPDATE: 12/7/2023 - B25-545 was heard in the Committee on Health on 12/7/2024. View the Public Hearing Video HERE.
UPDATE: 11/8/2023 - B25-545 is scheduled for a hearing in the Committee on Health on Thursday, 12/7/2023 at 11:00AM (or immediately following the proceeding hearing) in Room 500 and Virtual via Zoom. View the hearing agenda and video information HERE.
Witnesses will be appearing virtually using the Zoom platform. Public witnesses will have 5 minutes to speak if they are representing an organization, and 3 minutes if they are speaking for themselves. The public should sign up at https://lims.dccouncil.gov/Hearings by 5pm on Tuesday, December 5, 2023.
Witnesses who anticipate needing spoken language interpretation, or require sign language interpretation, are requested to inform the Committee office of the need as soon as possible but no later than five business days before the proceeding. We will make every effort to fulfill timely requests, although alternatives may be offered. Requests received in less than five business days may not be fulfilled. If you have additional questions, please email Ashley Strange, Legislative Assistant at [email protected].
Testimony should be submitted through the Council’s Hearing Management System https://lims.dccouncil.gov/hearings in advance of the hearing. Testimony will be publicly accessible upon Committee review. If you are unable to testify at the hearing, written statements are encouraged and will be made a part of the official record. Statements for the record should be submitted through the Hearing Management System or left by voicemail by calling (202) 430-6046. The record will close at 5:00pm on Thursday, December 21, 2023.
B25-545 was introduced and referred to the Committee on Health on 10/20/2023. It is sponsored by Chairman Phil Mendelsohn.
B25-545 authorizes podiatrists to administer immunizations by expanding the practice of podiatry and authorizes pharmacists to order AND administer immunizations to adults and children in accordance with the CDC's recommended immunization schedules or regulations issued by the Mayor.
The summary and description of each change contained in the introduced version of B25-545 to existing law will be represented as such: Plain text indicates existing law, green underlined text indicates new language to existing law, and red crossed out text indicates the removal of language from existing law.
B25-545 expands D.C. Official Code § 3-1201.02(14) to include immunizations and vaccinations in the practice of podiatry:
“(14) “Practice of podiatry” means"....."The term “practice of podiatry” includes the administration of local anesthesia, monitored anesthesia care, and conscious sedation as well as the administration of injections, immunizations, and vaccinations.”
B25-545 expands D.C. Official Code § 3-1201.02(11) to authorizes pharmacists to order AND administer immunizations with parental consent:
"(11)(A) “Practice of pharmacy” means the interpretation and evaluation of prescription orders; the compounding, dispensing, and labeling of drugs, and devices, and biologicals; including the prescribing and dispensing of self-administered hormonal contraceptives when certified by the Board of Pharmacy to do so and in accordance with regulations issued by the Mayor; drug and device selection; responsibility for advising and providing information, where regulated or otherwise necessary, concerning drugs, and devices, and biologicals and their therapeutic values, content, hazards, and uses in the treatment and prevention of disease; responsibility for conducting drug-regimen reviews; responsibility for the proper and safe storage and distribution of drugs, and devices, and biologicals; the administration of a prescribed drug, device, and biological in accordance with regulations issued by the Mayor; the order and administration of immunizations and vaccinations in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s published guidelines and recommended immunization schedules for adults aged 18 and older with valid identification, adolescents and children aged 3 through 17 with written informed parental consent, and the administration of immunizations and vaccinations to any individual pursuant to upon receipt of a written physician protocol and a valid prescription or standing order of a physician when certified by the Board of Pharmacy to do so; conducting health screenings, including ordering, performing, and interpreting Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments-waived tests; obtaining finger-stick blood samples; the offering or performance of those acts, services, operations, and transactions necessary in the conduct, operation, management, and control of a pharmacy; the initiating, modifying, or discontinuing a drug therapy in accordance with a duly executed collaborative practice agreement; and the maintenance of proper records."
NVIC OPPOSES B25-545 because it puts the health and safety of those receiving vaccines at risk. Podiatrists and pharmacists do not have enough training about all the vaccines, risks, prescreening, contraindications, emergency interventions for reactions, reporting reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, and advising parents and patients about the statute of limitations and instructions for filing a claim with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
Pharmacists do not have the medical training or knowledge of family and personal medical history to screen for contraindications. Additionally, pharmacies are not equipped to deal with vaccine adverse reactions, and pharmacists do not have the necessary medical training to be able to tell the difference between cardiac arrest, anaphylaxis, or fainting and act accordingly to save the lives of individuals who react at the time of vaccination. This bill undermines the doctor-patient relationship and removes critical health history screenings prior to vaccination.
Vaccines, just like all pharmaceutical products, can cause injury and death. As of May 1, 2024, the United States Government has paid out more than $5 billion dollars to vaccine victims through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). As of 8/30/2024, 48,389 deaths and 2,624,640 adverse events were reported to the US government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. America’s biopharmaceutical research companies are developing 258 vaccines. The U.S. Vaccine Market alone was $36.45 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach $80.3 billion by 2029 and pharmacies stand to increase their profits substantially by allowing pharmacists to vaccinate customers. This conflict is compounded by the fact that no one who administers a vaccine will have liability for any injuries and deaths caused by the vaccines, as administrators are shielded from liability for vaccine injuries and deaths through the combination of the law passed by Congress in 1986 establishing the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and the 2011 Supreme Court Decision BRUESEWITZ ET AL. v. WYETH LLC, FKA WYETH, INC., ET AL.
NVIC does not take a position on the rest of the bill's provisions which are unrelated to vaccines.
https://lims.dccouncil.gov/Legislation/B25-0545?FromSearchResults=true - text, status and history of B25-0545