Prohibits WHO, UN, or WEF mandates from having any force or effect in OK, prohibits compelling state enforcement including vaccines & data collection

State: OK
Bill Number: SB 426
Position: SUPPORT
Action Required: NONE
Status: ENACTED, signed by Governor Kevin Stitt & effective on 6/5/2024; Chapter Number 376

Legislation Details:

UPDATE: 6/5/2024 - SB 426 was enacted, it was signed by Governor Kevin Stitt and effective on 6/5/2024; Chapter Number 376. The enacted bill prohibits the WHO, UN, or WEF from having jurisdiction in the state, prohibits anyone from compelling the state or its political subdivision to enforce requirements or mandates of the WHO, UN, and WEF, and prohibits any requirements or mandates issued by the WHO, UN, and WEF from being used as the basis for any requirements whatsoever including those for vaccines & data collection or from having any force or effect in the state. A resolution, HR 1042, was enrolled on 4/25/2024 that affirms these policies. HR 1042 states that the State of Oklahoma is sovereign and that elected officials are the appropriate entity to make law and policy for state residents. It further states that the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum (WEF) will have no authority to make any law or policy that impacts the lives of the people of the State of Oklahoma.

UPDATE: 5/30/2024 - SB 426 was enrolled and sent to Governor on 5/30/2024. The Enrolled Version of SB 426 prohibits anyone from attempting to compel the state or its political subdivision from enforcing requirements of the WHO, UN, and WEF and declares that these international entities have no jurisdiction. Contact Governor Kevin Stitt at (405) 521-2342 or via email HERE and ask to SIGN SB 426.

UPDATE: 5/30/2024 - SB 426, as reported in the Conference Committee Substitute, was adopted in the House and emergency passed by a vote of 74 Ayes, 19 Nays, on 5/30/2024. 

UPDATE: 5/29/2024 - SB 426, as reported in the Conference Committee Substitute, was adopted in the Senate and emergency passed by a vote of 36 Ayes, 6 Nays, on 5/29/2024. 

UPDATE: 5/28/2024 - A SB 426 Conference Committee Substitute recommendation with similar language to the bill version NVIC supported came out of the SB 426 Conference Committee and is summarized as follows: 

SECTION 1.A. declares that the WHO, UN, and WEF have no jurisdiction in "this state". The state and its political subdivisions shall not be compelled to engage in the enforcement of, or any collaboration with the enforcement of any requirements or mandates issued by the WHO, UN, or WEF.

SECTION 1.B. states that any requirements or mandates issued by the WHO, UN, or WEF shall not be used as a basis for any action, nor to direct, order, or otherwise impose, contrary to state law and the state constitution, any requirements whatsoever, including those for masks, vaccines, or medical testing, or gather any public or private information about the state's citizens or residents, and shall have no force or effect in the state.

The effective date remains unchanged.

The main differences with the House Substituted version of SB 426 are that the prohibition is directed at anyone attempting to compel the state or its political subdivision from enforcing requirements of the WHO, UN, and WEF and declaring that these international entities have no jurisdiction. This version is only confined to requirements or mandates rather than including a prohibition on recommendations, instructions, communications, or guidance.  

These differences necessitate a bill title change on the NVIC Advocacy Portal from "Prohibits World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum (WEF) from having jurisdiction in OK incl. vaccines, tests, data" to "Prohibits WHO, UN, or WEF mandates from having any force or effect in OK, prohibits compelling state enforcement including vaccines & data collection." 

NVIC SUPPORTS the SB 426 Conference Committee Substitute recommendation because it allows the state of Oklahoma to maintain their sovereignty and make their own decisions rather than have mandates imposed on them by foreign entities that have no accountability in the state to its voters.  This also protects the citizens and residents of Oklahoma from agencies like the CDC trying to impose mandates of the WHO, UN, or WEF. The SB 426 Conference Committee Substitute needs to be adopted by both the House and the Senate before going to the governor.  

UPDATE: 5/16/2024 - SB 426 Conference Committee members are listed below. The members of the House Election and Ethics Committee will meet with the five senators listed below. Oklahoma has an Open Meetings requirement that calls for all meetings to be announced at least 48 hours before they are held. Some conference committees are live-streamed; check this LINK for the the teleconference schedule. 

ACTION: Contact Conference Committee Members and ask that the House Amendments be adopted. The original language concerning voter role modifications were removed in the House. NVIC has no opposition to them being added back to the amended House version of the bill.

Senate Conference Committee Members:

Senator George Burns, 405-521-5614

Senator Kay Floyd, 405-521-5610,

Senator Brent Howard, 405-521-5612 ,

Senator Dave Rader, 405-521-5620,

Senator Paul Rosino, 405-521-5618,

House Election and Ethics Committee Members:

Representative Jim Olsen, 405-557-7315

Representative Max Wolfley, 405-557-7314

Representative Chris Banning, 405-557-7306

Representative Mickey Dollens, 405-557-7371

Representative Tom Gann, 405-557-7364

Representative Clay Staires, 405-557- 7390

Representative Amanda Swope, 405-557-7361

Representative Rande Worthen, 405-557-7398

House Committee Member Emails: 

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

UPDATE: 5/14/2024 - SB 426 was heard in the Senate and the House Amendments were rejected. A conference committee was requested.

UPDATE: 4/25/2024 - SB 426 was sent to the Senate 4/25/2024 to concur with House changes made on 4/24/2024.

UPDATE: 4/24/2024 - SB 426 was gutted in the House and replaced with new title, enacting clause, and entire bill language on 4/24/2024. SB 426 passed the House by a vote of 72 Ayes and 21 Nays. View the new version HERE. This bill is sponsored by Senator George Burns and Senator Cody Rogers.

The initially filed SB 426 was introduced on 2/6/2023 and referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee on 2/7/2023. It amended Oklahoma voter registration laws and did not mention vaccines or immunization. NVIC does not take a position on the introduced version of SB 426 that is unrelated to vaccines. The introduced bill passed the Senate on 3/8/2023 by a vote of 48 Ayes and 0 Nays. SB 426 was introduced and referred to the House Election and Ethics Committee on 3/9/2023. SB 426 passed the House Election and Ethics Committee on 4/3/2023. The gut and amend of SB 426 occurred over a year later.

Based on the new replaced language from 4/24/2024, SB 426 now prohibits the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), and World Economic Forum (WEF) from having any jurisdiction in Oklahoma. This includes the enforcement or collaboration of mandates, recommendations, or guidance regarding vaccines, testing, masking, and the collection of data. NVIC SUPPORTS this new amended and engrossed version of SB 426 and gives it the following title: "Prohibits World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum (WEF) from having jurisdiction in OK incl. vaccines, tests, data." 

The amended and engrossed version of SB 426 creates a new section of law to be codified in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 6301 of Title 74, related to State Government, to prohibit the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), and World Economic Forum (WEF) from having any jurisdiction in Oklahoma; to prevent the state and political subdivisions of the state from enforcing or collaborating with the enforcement of any WHO, UN, or WEF requirements, regulations, mandates, or recommendations; and to prohibit any WHO, UN, or WEF mandates, recommendations, instructions, communications or guidance from being used in the state that are contrary to the constitution and laws of the State of Oklahoma, including those for masks, vaccines or medical testing, or collecting of an individual's public or private information. The bill is summarized as follows:

SECTION 1. A. prohibits the WHO, UN, and WEF from having any jurisdiction in the State of Oklahoma. This section also prohibits the state and its political subdivisions from enforcing or collaborating with the enforcement of any requirements, instructions, mandates, recommendations, or guidance provided by the WHO, UN, or WEF. 

SECTION 1. B. prohibits any entity in the state from using any mandate, recommendation, instruction, communication, or guidance issued by the WHO, UN, or WEF as a basis for action, to direct, or otherwise impose any requirements that are contrary to the constitution and laws of the State of Oklahoma, including requirements related to masks, vaccines or medical testing, or collecting of any individual's public or private information.

SECTION 3. declares this legislation is immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, or safety and declares the existence of an emergency so that by this reason, SB 426 will take effect and be in full force upon its passage and approval. 

NVIC SUPPORTS the amended and engrossed version of SB 426 because it protects the people in Oklahoma from harmful interference or mandates from international organizations, including vaccine requirements, tracking, testing, and passports. NVIC opposes all vaccine mandates and supports informed consent for all individuals. International organizations like the World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum have been hostile toward informed consent to vaccination, which includes the right to refuse a vaccine without coercion, harassment, or penalty. The WHO has labeled individuals who have refused a vaccine for medical, personal, or religious reasons as "anti-vaxxers" and has publicly concluded they are a menace to society and the greatest threat to global health in their 2019 publication. Based on the WHO's opinion that refusing a vaccine is a threat to global health, bills like SB 426 are necessary to protect citizens from global interference with their right to informed consent and an individual's ability to refuse a vaccine for themselves or their child for medical, personal, or religious reasons as codified in Oklahoma Revised Statutes §10-413. An improvement to this bill would be to add a penalty for any state entity or political subdivision of the state that violates the provisions of this bill.

For more information on The WHO's International Health Regulations, please read and share the 4/11/2024 commentary by Barbara Loe Fisher at

After contacting your local legislators about actions to be taken in your legislature, you can take additional steps on the state and national level. Please refer to the instructions in the Action Alert and share the link with family and friends by email, text, or on social media: - text, status, and history of SB 426