Prohibits World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum (WEF) from having jurisdiction for vaccines, tests, masks, orders

State: OK
Bill Number: HR 1042
Position: SUPPORT
Action Required: NONE
Status: ENACTED/Enrolled on 4/25/2024; adopted by the House on 4/24/2024

Legislation Details:

UPDATE: 4/25/2024 - HR 1042 was enrolled, signed, and filed with the Secretary of State on 4/25/2024. View the Enrolled Version HERE. HR 1042, as enrolled, states that the State of Oklahoma is sovereign and that elected officials are the appropriate entity to make law and policy for state residents. It further states that the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum (WEF) will have no authority to make any law or policy that impacts the lives of the people of the State of Oklahoma. SB 426 was enacted on 6/5/2024 and prohibits the WHO, UN, or WEF from having jurisdiction in the state, prohibits anyone from compelling the state or its political subdivision to enforce requirements or mandates of the WHO, UN, and WEF, and prohibits any requirements or mandates issued by the WHO, UN, and WEF from being used as the basis for any requirements whatsoever including those for vaccines & data collection or from having any force or effect in the state.

UPDATE: 4/24/2024 - HR 1042 was adopted by the House and referred for enrollment on 4/24/2024. 

HR 1042 was introduced by Representative Rick West on 4/22/2024. 

HR 1042 is a resolution stating that the State of Oklahoma is sovereign and that elected officials are the appropriate entity to make law and policy for state residents. It further states that the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum (WEF) will have no authority to make any law or policy that impacts the lives of the people of the State of Oklahoma. 

The resolution states that the "state and its  political subdivision, including but not limited to counties, cities, towns, precincts, water districts, school districts, school administrative units, or quasi-public entities, should not engage in the enforcement of, or any collaboration with the enforcement of, any requirements, instructions, mandates, recommendations, or guidance provided by the World Health Organization, the United Nations or the World Economic Forum." It further states that Oklahoma will not use any mandate, instruction, communication or guidance issued by the WHO, the UN, or the WEF for any basis of action. The state will not take any actions contrary to its constitution or laws including any requirements for masks, vaccines, or medical testing. The state will not gather public or private information about those who live in Oklahoma. 

NVIC SUPPORTS HR 1042 because it affirms that Oklahomans should not be subject to harmful interference or mandates from international organizations, including vaccine requirements, tracking, or testing. NVIC opposes all vaccine mandates and supports informed consent for all individuals. International organizations like the World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum have been hostile toward informed consent to vaccination, which includes the right to refuse a vaccine without coercion, harassment, or penalty. The WHO has labeled individuals who have refused a vaccine for medical, personal, or religious reasons as "anti-vaxxers" and has publicly concluded they are a menace to society and the greatest threat to global health in their 2019 publication. Based on the WHO's opinion that refusing a vaccine is a threat to global health, resolutions like HR 1042 are important to call attention to the dangers of citizens from global interference. Oklahomans should have the right to informed consent and an ability to refuse a vaccine for themselves or their child for without coercion. 

For more information on The WHO's International Health Regulations, please read and share the 4/11/2024 commentary by Barbara Loe Fisher at

After contacting your local legislators about actions to be taken in your legislature, you can take additional steps on the state and national level. Please refer to the instructions in the Action Alert and share the link with family and friends by email, text, or on social media: - text, status, and history of HR 1042