UPDATE: 2/5/2024 - HB 1072 died, it failed to be scheduled for a hearing in the House Education Committee before deadline for House bills to pass the full House on 2/5/2024.
HB 1072 was introduced and referred to the House Education Committee on 1/8/2024. This bill is authored by Representative Becky Cash.
HB 1072 prohibits vaccine requirements for students enrolled in a health profession education program and establishes a cause of action for violations.
HB 1072 prohibits an enrolled student in a health profession education program from being required to receive a immunization simply because the student is:
(1) participating in the program; or
(2) is obtaining clinical training or clinical experience required by the program.
It also allows a student to bring a lawsuit against an entity for violating any of these terms.
HB 1072 changes the definition of "documentation of exemption" to remove the option for a form that is acceptable to a higher education state educational institution while retaining the exemptions documented in IC 21-40-5-4 and adding the option for a student to claim a sincerely held religious belief as described in IC 21-40-5-6.
HB 1072 would add to the religious objections under IC 21-40-5-6 to prohibit a higher education state educational institution from requiring a student to provide specific information regarding the student's religious objection in their request for an exemption.
HB 1072, if passed, will be effective upon passage.
NVIC SUPPORTS HB 1072 because it prohibits vaccine requirements for students enrolled in a health profession education program and if violated, this bill establishes a way for students to remedy through legal action. NVIC is opposed to all vaccination mandates. Vaccines are pharmaceutical products that carry a risk of injury and death and should not be a condition for school attendance.
https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2024/bills/house/1072/details - text, status, and history of HB 1072