UPDATE: 3/29/2024 - AB 610 was VETOED by Governor Tony Evers on 3/29/2024; his veto statement can be read HERE. In his statement, the governor states his objection to the bill he perceives would "micromanage decisions to respond to public health incidents...." He further states that "efforts to respond to ... emergencies should be based on science and the expertise of public health experts...." Recent history has certainly given plenty of evidence that so called public health experts can and do make mistakes that are costly to the health and well-being of Americans. Wisconsin students at institutions of higher learning will be denied information and a more simplified process of receiving a waiver from immunization requirements.
UPDATE: 3/26/2024 - AB 610 was sent to the Governor on 3/26/2024.
UPDATE: 3/18/2024 - AB 610 was enrolled on 3/18/2024.
UPDATE: 3/12/2024 - AB 610 was concurred in and passed the Senate 3rd reading by a vote of 22 Ayes, 10 Noes, on 3/12/2024.
UPDATE: 3/12/2024 - AB 610 was read a second time and ordered to a Senate 3rd reading on 3/12/2024.
UPDATE: 3/8/2024 - AB 610 is eligible for a Senate floor vote as of 3/8/2024.
UPDATE: 3/7/2024 - AB 610 was recommended for concurrence in the Senate Universities and Revenue Committee by a vote of 5 Ayes, 3 Noes, on 3/7/2024.
UPDATE: 3/6/2024 - AB 610 was heard in the Senate Universities and Revenue Committee on 3/6/2024 but no vote was recorded.
UPDATE: 3/1/2024 - AB 610 is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Universities and Revenue Committee on Wednesday, 3/6/2024 at 10:00AM in Room 411 South. View the Hearing Agenda HERE. Continue to contact the Senate Universities and Revenue Committee Members until a vote is taken. Sometimes a vote is not taken on the day of the hearing.
UPDATE: 2/26/2024 - AB 610 was referred to the Senate Universities and Revenue Committee on 2/26/2024.
UPDATE: 2/22/2024 - AB 610 passed the Assembly 3rd reading on 2/22/2024; no vote is available at this time.
UPDATE: 2/22/2024 - AB 610 was read a second time on the Assembly floor and order to an Assembly 3rd Reading on 2/22/2024.
UPDATE: 1/17/2024 - AB 610 was recommended for passage by the Assembly Colleges and Universities Committee by a vote of 10 Ayes, 5 Noes, on 1/17/2024.
UPDATE: 1/11/2024 - AB 610 is scheduled for an executive session in the Assembly Colleges and Universities Committee on Wednesday, 1/17/2024 at 10:00AM in Room 225 Northwest. View the Hearing Agenda HERE. Continue to contact the Assembly Colleges and Universities Committee Members until a vote is taken. Sometimes a vote is not taken on the day of the hearing.
UPDATE: 1/10/2024 - AB 610 was heard in the Assembly Colleges and Universities Committee on 1/10/2024.
UPDATE: 1/2/2024 - AB 610 is scheduled for a hearing in the Assembly Colleges and Universities Committee on Wednesday, 1/10/2024 at 10:00AM in Room 225 Northwest. View the Hearing Agenda HERE.
AB 610 was introduced and referred to the Assembly Colleges and Universities Committee on 10/31/2023. This bill is sponsored by Representatives Sortwell, Goeben, Rozar, Allen, Behnke, Bodden, Brandtjen, Callahan, Dittrich, Edming, Magnafici, Michalski, Murphy, O'Connor, Rettinger, Sapik, Schraa and Schutt, and cosponsored by Senators Nass and Cabral-Guevara.
SB 920 was introduced in the Senate and referred to the Senate Universities and Revenue Committee on 1/19/2024. This bill is sponsored by Senator Steve L. Nass and Senator Rachel Cabral-Guevara.
AB 610 and SB 920 require any institution of higher education that receives public funding and that requires any student or prospective student to receive an immunization as a condition of attendance to waive the immunization requirement for a student or prospective student if the student or prospective student objects to the immunization for reasons of health, religion, or personal conviction. Under these bills, no institution of higher education may require that a student or prospective student provide any explanation or justification of the student's or prospective student's objection to an immunization. Further, these bills require an institution of higher education that receives public funding to inform a student or prospective student of the student's or prospective student's right to a waiver from the institution of higher education's immunization requirements in writing at any time the institution of higher education informs the student or prospective student of the immunization requirements.
NVIC SUPPORTS AB 610 and SB 920 because they protect an individual's right to refuse a vaccine. All vaccines are medical products that carry the risk of injury and even death. Consenting to a medical product that carries risk should not be a condition of receiving a post-secondary education. Additionally, these bills require that any school requiring a vaccination as condition of attendance, obtain informed consent from the student through the required notification of their right to refuse said required vaccination. This aspect of informed consent reduces the likelihood that a student would feel pressure to provide consent to vaccination requirements under duress because they may not know they have the right to refuse. NVIC opposes all vaccine mandates. An improvement to these bills would be to prevent any institution of higher education within the state from mandating any vaccine for attendance, not just those institutions who receive public funding.
https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2023/proposals/reg/asm/bill/ab610 - text, status, and history of AB 610
https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2023/proposals/reg/sen/bill/sb920 - text, status, and history of SB 920