UPDATE: 4/20/2024 - HF 507 died, carryover from the 2023 session failed to move in the House before the 2024 session ended on 4/20/2024.
UPDATE: 5/4/2023 - HF 507 was held over for consideration in the 2024 second regular session. The first regular session ended on 5/4/2023. All bills on which no final action has been taken by the time of adjournment of the regular session in odd-numbered years are held over with the same standing for consideration during the regular session convening in even-numbered years.
UPDATE: 3/4/2023 - HF 507 failed to be scheduled for a hearing in the House Health and Human Services Committee before the deadline of 3/4/2023. It will be held over for consideration in the 2024 second regular session.
HF 507 was introduced and referred to the House Health and Human Services Committee on 2/28/2023. It was sponsored by Representative Luana Stoltenberg and co-sponsored by Representatives M.THOMPSON, HAYES, OSMUNDSON, THOMSON, GERHOLD,SHERMAN, CISNEROS, and DIEKEN.
HF 507 would prohibit the CDC and WHO from having jurisdiction in Iowa. The bill increases consumer options for inclusion in the state vaccine tracking system, but it doesn't address providers uploading data to the state's system.
For more information on The WHO's International Health Regulations, please read and share the 4/11/2024 commentary by Barbara Loe Fisher at NVIC.org.
After contacting your local legislators about actions to be taken in your legislature, you can take additional steps on the state and national level. Please refer to the instructions in the NVICAdvocacy.org Action Alert and share the link with family and friends by email, text, or on social media: https://nvicadvocacy.org/members/State-Teams/My-State/Action-Alert-Details-Alt/itemid/4054/State/US?Page=True
https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislation/BillBook?ga=90&ba=HF%20507 - text, status, and history of HF 5057