UPDATE: 7/6/2023 - SB 157 was enacted, signed by Governor Mike Parsons on 7/6/2023, Sections 338.010 and 338.012.
UPDATE: 5/30/2023 - SB 157 was delivered to Governor Mike Parsons on 5/30/2023.
The final version of the bill modifies several provisions relating to pharmacists and vaccines (Sections 338.010 and 338.012):
- It repeals the current law which limits limits pharmacists to administering specific vaccines with the specific written protocol by a physician;
- it authorizes pharmacists to order and administer certain FDA-approved or authorized vaccines to persons at least 7 years of age or older;
- a licensed pharmacist may order and administer FDA approved or authorized vaccine during a state or federally-declared public health emergency; and
- a certified pharmacist may provide vaccines for influenza, group A streptococcus, and COVID-19 medication therapy services under a statewide standing order issued by the Director of the Department of Health and Senior Services or a physician licensed by the Department.
UPDATE: 5/12/2023 - The Conference Committee Report for SB 157 was passed by the House on 5/12/2023.
UPDATE: 5/10/2023 - The Conference Committee Report for SB 157 was passed by the Senate on 5/10/2023.
UPDATE: 5/5/2023 - The House and Senate passed different versions of SB 157 and a Conference Committee was appointed to resolve the differences.
SB 157 was prefiled 12/1/2022 and introduced by Senator Rusty Black and referred to the Senate Governmental Accountability Committee on 1/26/2023. It did not mention vaccines until late in the legislative process when amendments were added to increase the ability of pharmacists to administer ACIP recommended vaccines to children 7 years and older.
NVIC opposes increasing the expansion of pharmacists giving vaccines to adults and children, but takes no position on other portions of the bill.
If the bill passes, the effective date will be 8/28/2023.
https://www.senate.mo.gov/23info/BTS_Web/Bill.aspx?SessionType=R&BillID=44693 - text, status, and history of SB 157