UPDATE: 3/24/2023 - S832 was signed by Governor Kathy Hochul on 3/24/2023, effective immediately. Chapter 107.
UPDATE: 3/15/2023 - S832 passed the Full Assembly and was returned to the Senate on 3/15/2023.
UPDATE: 2/15/2023 - A4014 was substituted by S832 on 2/15/2023.
S832 was introduced and referred to the Senate Rules Committee on 1/9/2023 and passed the full Senate on 2/1/2023. S832 is sponsored by Senator Brisport. A4014 was referred to the Assembly Health Committee on 2/8/2023. A4014 is sponsored by Assembly Member Zaccaro.
Current state law allows any person who is eighteen years of age or older or is the parent of a child or has married or is a runaway or homeless youth to give effective consent for medical, dental, health and hospital services for themself, and the consent of no other person is necessary.
This bill prohibits minor children who are runaways from being able to consent to medical services, which would include vaccination, without consent of the parent or guardian by removing “runaway” from current law.
https://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?default_fld=&leg_video=&bn=A04014&term=2023&Summary=Y&Actions=Y&Committee%26nbspVotes=Y#jump_to_Summary - text, status and history for A4014
https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2023/s832 - text, status and history for S832