UPDATE: 6/7/2022 - SB 288 signed into law by the Governor and enacted as Chapter 159, effective 6/7/2022. NVIC supported the original filed version of this bill which would have prohibited mandating COVID-19 Vaccines for school and daycare. Amendments weakened it to a study bill, so this bail fails to protect children from COVID-19 mandates as originally intended.
UPDATE: 5/4/2022 - SB 288 passed the House.
UPDATE: 4/22/2022 - SB 288 passed the House Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee in a 20-0 vote.
UPDATE: 4/14/2022 - SB 288 is scheduled for a hearing in the House Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee on 4/19/2022 at 1:15 pm in LOB 201-203.
This bill was amended in the Senate to change what would have been a prohibition on COVID-19 Vaccine mandates for school establishing the following:
Committee Established. There is established a committee to study the listing of immunizations for children.
Membership and Compensation.
I. The members of the committee shall be as follows:
(a) Two members of the senate, one of whom shall be from the minority party, appointed by the president of the senate.
(b) Four members of the house of representatives, at least one of whom shall be from the minority party, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.
II. Members of the committee shall receive mileage at the legislative rate when attending to the duties of the committee.
Duties. The committee shall examine the policy of the department of health and human services listing of immunizations under RSA 141-C:20-a, and take testimony from the department and other interested parties about Covid-19 vaccines for school-aged children and childcare agencies.
Chairperson; Quorum. The members of the study committee shall elect a chairperson from among the members. The first meeting of the committee shall be called by the first-named senate member. The first meeting of the committee shall be held within 45 days of the effective date of this section. Three members of the committee shall constitute a quorum.
Report. The committee shall report its findings and any recommendations for proposed legislation to the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the senate clerk, the house clerk, the governor, and the state library on or before December 1, 2022.
NVIC Advocacy has changed position on this bill from support to watch because of the amendments.
Please see this link for a report on the hearing below, which includes a summary of the support and opposition to SB 288: https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/bill_Status/billinfo.aspx?id=2062&inflect=2
SB 288 is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee on Thursday, 1/13/2022 at 9:00 AM in the State House Reps Hall. This bill is sponsored by Senator Avard.
Sign-up sheets will be available in the State House Reps Hall for those who wish to speak publicly on the bill. Individuals who prefer not to testify may still register their position on the bill here by selecting the hearing date (1/13/2022) and clicking through the options.
Those who would like to submit written testimony may email it to the committee here. Witnesses who bring written testimony with them when they testify in person should bring 6 copies: 5 for the members of the committee, and one for the committee aide (if a witness can only bring 1 copy, the committee aide may make the additional copies).
This bill would prohibit mandating COVID-19 and its variants for school or child care by repealing RSA 141-C:1-a, II(b) and reenacted it to read as follows:
(b) Supersede the requirement for vaccination as a prerequisite for admission to a school or child care agency pursuant to RSA 141-C:20-a for any diseases other than novel COVID 19 and its variants.
2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
https://gencourt.state.nh.us/bill_status/legacy/bs2016/bill_docket.aspx?lsr=2969&sy=2022&sortoption=&txtsessionyear=2022&txtbillnumber=sb288 - text, status, and history of SB 288.