Prohibit Texas Employer Vaccine Mandates

Contact Governor Abbott to Stop Employer Vaccine Mandates Being Pushed on Texas Employees by The President

SUPPORT HB 24, HB 39, HB 125 and SB 24 in the Texas Second Special Session!

Dear Texas NVIC Advocacy Members,

Today, the President of the United States, Joe Biden, demanded that businesses everywhere require employees to be vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines. Some large Texas employers have already made vaccination a condition of employment.

The Texas legislature is back in special session.  While Texas passed a vaccine passport ban in Senate Bill 968 for customers of businesses, Texas has NOT passed protections for employees to not be required to take the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of employment. We at NVIC have repeatedly said that we would advocate for these protections for employees if a special session was called. We have written and shared language for what needs fixing and it is paying off.

These are the bills in the second special session that NVIC supports:  

HB 24 by Representative Candy Noble and Co-sponsored by Representatives Cook, Swanson, Frank and Metcalf prohibits discrimination by employers and insurance based on COVID vaccine status and prohibits school mandates.

HB 39 by Representative Steve Toth and Co-sponsored by Representatives Biedermann, Tinderholt, Vasut, and Wilson would make it an unlawful employment practice for employers, labor organizations and employment agencies to discriminate against employees for not receiving a vaccine.  The bill also repeals current law that requires health facilities to develop and implement a vaccine policy and the law that requires child care facilities to have a policy that requires vaccines.

HB 125 by Representative Tony Tinderholt prohibits employers from requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination and schools from mandating the vaccine.

SB 24 by Senator Bob Hall and Co-sponsored by Senator Paxton makes it an unlawful employment practice for an employer, employment agency or a labor organization to discriminate against or penalizing someone for not taking any vaccine. It amends current law that requires health care facilities to implement a vaccine policy to provide reasons of conscientious exemptions including a religious belief (right now the facility isn’t required to offer these exemptions in state law). It also codifies into state law what was missing from the vaccine passport ban a new section which prohibits government entities from requiring an individual from showing proof of vaccination or proof of infection recovery.

We are reaching out to everyone to request that you contact the Governor NOW and ask him to stand up against Biden’s forced employer vaccinations and add HB 24, HB 39, HB 125 and SB 24 to the call for special session so that employees in Texas aren't forced to be vaccinated against their will in order to keep their job and provide for their families. 

Tens of thousands of Texans are losing their jobs because they don’t want to take a COVID-19 vaccine or they reacted to their first dose and don’t want to take a second. Many Texans have already had COVID-19 and are immune so the vaccine only poses a risk to them. Multiple employers have already fired employees over this and other vaccines. Where there is risk there must always be a choice. 

There’s nothing stopping anybody who wants a vaccine from getting one, and it goes too far crossing the line for an employer to mandate an invasive vaccine as a condition of employment. 

Call and write to Governor Abbott today, tomorrow, and the next day and next until he stands up to Washington by adding HB 24, HB 39, HB 125 and SB 24 to the call for special session so that employees in Texas aren't forced to be vaccinated against their will in order to keep their job and provide for their families. 

·         Phone (512) 463-2000 from 9 am-5 pm

·         Send the message on the web contact form 

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Dawn Richardson, Director of Advocacy
National Vaccine Information Center and

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